Musculoskeletal System: Structure, Function & Diseases

The musculoskeletal system comprises a complex organ system of the body, which not only enables the securing of the physical form, but also serves the posture and not least the physical movement and locomotion. Together with the supporting apparatus, the passive musculoskeletal system, the active musculoskeletal system of the body forms a functional unit.

What is the musculoskeletal system?

The musculoskeletal system is primarily distinguished between the passive and active musculoskeletal system, although the differentiation is not always made unambiguously, since muscles are also mobile through their contraction. The active musculoskeletal system, which primarily serves the movement (mobility) of the body, includes the skeletal muscles, although auxiliary and accessory organs also belong to the active musculoskeletal system: Tendons, fasciae, tendon sheaths and bursae are among these so-called auxiliary organs of the active musculoskeletal system. The passive musculoskeletal system includes the skeleton as a supporting apparatus, as well as the associated parts, such as bones, joints, cartilage, ligaments and intervertebral discs.

Anatomy and structure

The passive musculoskeletal system primarily allows the body to be shaped and supported. Thus, the musculoskeletal system is composed of a fixed part and the mobile organs. Thereby the bony skeleton enables the necessary shaping and support of the body. Movement, in turn, is made possible by the skeletal muscles, which belong to the active musculoskeletal system. The tendons, which on the one hand are firmly attached to the bone, but on the other hand are also anchored in the respective muscle, act as force transmitters. If necessary, the direction of pull of some tendons is redirected by ligaments. In addition, these have the task of securing and strengthening joints under load.

Function and tasks

The skeleton, as the most important part of the musculoskeletal system, is composed of differently shaped bones. These include flat bones or long bones, as well as other types of bones that are partially fused together. They not only maintain the shape and mobility of the body, but also protect the internal organs, enabling them to function (example: the skeleton of the rib cage, without which breathing could not take place). Joints connect the bones to each other and thus determine the radius and direction of movement of the bones. The skeletal muscles, which are part of the active musculoskeletal system, serve as a link between two different bones and are connected to the bone via at least one joint by means of tendons. If a muscle shortens, the two bones in the joint are pulled toward each other. Muscles themselves can only contract (contract); to stretch them back to their original position, one or more muscles are then needed, which in turn attach to the other side of the joint and exert the opposite direction of movement; this type of muscle is referred to in medicine as an opposing muscle. But there are also muscles that divide into two or more parts and attach at different points, even at different ends of the bone. Prominent examples are biceps, triceps or quadriceps. In order to translate the force that the muscles develop into bone movement, the two functional assemblies must be connected. This is ensured by the tendons, which consist of strong yet collagenous and flexible connective tissue. The fibers of the tendons are arranged parallel to the direction of pull. The tendons in the muscle are directly fused with the muscle fibers and originate from the protrusions or roughened areas of the bone. In addition to tendons and tendon plates and tendon sheaths, ligaments, which are part of the musculoskeletal system, are also important. They usually consist of collagen fibers, sometimes also of elastic connective tissue. Their function is to support the joints or to prevent the bones from moving against each other, thereby preventing overstretching of tendons or muscles. The ligaments are found either directly in the joints or around them. Bursae are also part of the musculoskeletal system: like a protective cushion, they are found in the very places that could pose a potential danger to tendons, to protect them from chafing and damage. Bursae are smaller skin cushions that are placed under the tendon on the areas at risk and are filled with fluid. This allows the tendon pressure to be evenly distributed.


If it hurts in the back, the knees no longer fully loadable or the joints are affected, then one speaks generally of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. These are among the most common complaints and refer to all diseases that affect bones, joints and muscles. The human musculoskeletal system forms the framework of the body. Its supporting pillars enable support, balance, movement and, in the truest sense of the word, “progress”. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are therefore perceived as a major limitation, since they often have a sensitive effect on mobility, freedom of movement and the ability to cope with stress in daily life. The musculoskeletal system not only holds the body together, but also supports and carries it throughout our lives. The passive parts of the musculoskeletal system include bones, cartilage and joints; it only acquires real activity through the skeletal muscles. Osteoporosis, which often affects women after menopause, is another common disease of the musculoskeletal system. Commonly referred to as bone loss, this is a degeneration (necrosis) of the bone substance, which can also affect only individual parts of the musculoskeletal system (e.g. pelvis or thigh). As the disease progresses, the risk of spontaneous bone fractures is inevitably increased and healing after such fractures is also more difficult. A calcium-rich diet and adequate intake and formation of vitamin D are of paramount importance here to support bone remineralization. As with osteoporosis, another musculoskeletal disease, soft tissue rheumatism (fibromyalgia), mainly affects women. Hardening and pain in the muscles are just some of the symptoms of this mostly chronic disease. Other common musculoskeletal disorders include osteoarthritis, which affects the joints. In the form of pain and stiffness in the affected joints, arthrosis is not infrequently caused by incorrect loading and overuse of the affected joints. While osteoarthritis is a degenerative process and joint wear and tear, inflammation in the joints – also known as arthritis – is associated with swelling, redness, hyperthermia and joint effusion. In addition to suppurative arthritis, which is severe damage to the affected joint, there are several subtypes, the most common of which is rheumatoid arthritis, also called chronic polyarthritis. This disease can occur at a young age. The diseases of the musculoskeletal system include a variety of other ailments. Since there are also possible points of contact with all areas of the body, not only orthopedists are involved diagnostically and therapeutically, but also oncologists, neurologists, family doctors, sports and pain physicians, as well as, for example, osteopaths, physiotherapists or masseurs.

Typical and common bone diseases

  • Osteoporosis
  • Bone pain
  • Bone fracture
  • Paget’s disease