Nausea after eating | Nausea: What to do about it?

Nausea after eating

If nausea occurs after eating, it is suspected that the food consumed is responsible for the nausea. This can have several causes. Probably almost everyone knows the feeling after eating too much.

But even if too fatty or spicy food is ingested, this can lead to nausea. In rare cases of severe nausea that occurs shortly after eating, food poisoning can also be the cause, for example through spoiled food or self-collected mushrooms. Another cause for the regular occurrence of nausea after eating can be the presence of a stomach ulcer.

In this case, the accompanying symptom is usually abdominal pain in the area of the upper abdomen. A doctor should then be consulted for further diagnosis, for example in the form of a gastroscopy. In the vast majority of cases, however, an infection of the gastrointestinal tract is present.

Bacteria, viruses or other pathogens, which the person affected can take up through infected food or contact with other patients, can cause gastrointestinal infections. These are often accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Most of these diseases heal by themselves, sometimes antibiotics accelerate the healing process.

The irritated gastrointestinal tract causes the body to want to get rid of the food it has just ingested as a protective reflex. Food intolerance is also possible. A common example is lactose intolerance. More rarely, larger basic illnesses are behind it.Nausea occurs as a result of reflux disease, a passenger disorder in the stomach, a narrowing of the stomach outlet or digestive disorders associated with bile and pancreas. These are in urgent need of treatment and usually do not heal by themselves.

Nausea in the evening

Nausea in the evening does not indicate a specific disease. It is often a coincidence that the nausea occurs in the evening. During pregnancy nausea in the morning is typical, but it can also occur in the evening.

If nausea repeatedly occurs in the evening, this may be related to the food taken in during the day. It is also possible that too little was eaten. Alcoholic drinks can also cause nausea in the evening.