Neurodermatitis (Atopic Eczema): Examination

A comprehensive clinical examination is the basis for selecting further diagnostic steps:

  • General physical examination – including blood pressure, pulse, body weight, height; further:
    • Inspection (viewing).
      • Skin [Leading symptoms – in infants, the predilection sites (areas of skin preferentially affected by atopic dermatitis) are the face, neck, groin, and extensor sides of the extremities; in adults, the flexures of the joints and the face, neck, neck, shoulders, and chest are usually affected:
        • Weeping, inflammatory patches
        • Crusty spots – so-called cradle cap.
        • Itching, itchy eczema
        • Localized eczema such as hand eczema or lichen simplex (localized, chronic inflammatory, plaque-like and lichinoid (nodular) skin disease that occurs in episodes and is accompanied by severe pruritus (itching))
        • Scaling]

        [Associated symptoms:

        • Perioral pallor (pale skin around the mouth).
        • Dennie-Morgan wrinkle (extra fold of skin below the lower eyelid).
        • Frequent skin infections
        • Dull, dry skin
        • Lichenification (coarsened surface relief in chronically affected skin regions).
        • Ichthyosis vulgaris (cornification disorder of the skin (occurs in circa 50% of patients))]
      • Dermographism (assessment of the reaction of the blood vessels of the skin after rubbing) [White dermographism (skin turns white over time)]
    • Examination of the lungs [due topossible sequelae: allergic bronchial asthma].
  • Dermatological examination [due todifferential diagnoses:
    • Allergic eczema (skin reactions triggered by allergens).
    • Irritant eczema (skin reactions triggered by irritants).
    • Psoriasis (psoriasis)
    • Seborrheic dermatitis (form of skin inflammation)]

    [due topossible secondary diseases:

    • Irritant contact eczema (skin reactions due to irritating substances)]
  • Health check

Square brackets [ ] indicate possible pathological (pathological) physical findings.