Neurodermatitis: Treatment Options

The doctor first determines whether it is neurodermatitis and not a contact allergy or a skin infection. Neurodermatitis is not curable, so treating the symptoms and knowing the triggering factors is very important.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis with medications

In the basic medical therapy of atopic dermatitis, treatment with cortisone preparations and skin care with creams or ointments containing a balanced amount of lipids have a fixed place in the inflammatory episode. In the chronic course, the use of a urea preparation is recommended, which has an itch-relieving and slightly antibacterial effect. Antihistamines also have a firm place in therapy. They relieve itching and reduce inflammation. If the skin is infected with bacteria due to scratching and contamination, antibiotics are used. In addition, herbal agents that support skin regeneration are used:

Long-term intake of capsules with evening primrose oil have an anti-inflammatory effect and thus improve the symptoms. Various substances have an astringent effect and thus counteract inflammation: From black or green tea, oak bark, oat straw and horsetail herb, you can make a decoction or a moist poultice in which you bathe or wrap particularly weeping skin areas. Your pharmacist will advise on how to prepare it.

Diet for atopic dermatitis

Unfortunately, there is no general neurodermatitis diet. However, certain foods are suspected of aggravating the disease in some patients. These include: Eggs, milk protein, fish protein, nuts, citrus fruits, celery, spices, food dyes and preservatives. Refrain from spicy foods, alcohol and coffee. If one of the parents suffers from neurodermatitis, the statistical risk is 15% that their child will get neurodermatitis. If both parents have the disease, the risk increases to 45%. Breastfeeding your baby as long and exclusively as possible reduces the risk of developing neurodermatitis. If your infant cannot be breastfed, feed so-called hypoallergenic milk (HA milk). Later, when feeding such a child, pay special attention to which food the child reacts to with skin irritation.

Skin care for neurodemics

The skin of the neurodermatitis sufferer is extremely dry and needs a lot of oil and moisture. Active ingredient-free care products from the pharmacy ensure that the skin is supplied with fat and moisture. Use a moisturizing lotion during the day and a grease cream at night. The skin should be cleaned with moisturizing bath additives and instead of soaps you should rather use so-called syndets (soap-free washing additives), which dry out the skin less. When showering and bathing, make sure that the water is not too hot. Afterwards, it is advisable to dry yourself only weakly to not at all and always apply cream.

Clothing – choice of materials

Wool and other scratchy materials are often uncomfortable on the skin in atopic dermatitis. Clothing should better be made of cotton or other natural materials and also be permeable to air to avoid increased perspiration. Synthetic fibers promote heat accumulation and thus bacterial growth of the sensitive and affected skin.

General advice

  • To prevent excessive scratching and thus skin lesions, scars and infections, always apply a good cream to the skin.
  • Do you have an allergic reaction to animal hair? Then you better not keep a pet.
  • For people in whom atopic dermatitis occurs mainly in stressful situations, relaxation exercises can help. Take a course or ask your doctor if he can recommend a particular method.
  • Prolonged stay at the sea or in the high mountains often has a favorable effect on the course of the disease, because there is a different climate than at home.
  • Parents should bring their neurodermatitis children indeed special attention and patience. However, the child should not be given a special position in the family, especially if there are siblings. To exchange with other affected parents, there are special support groups.
  • For young children, there are certain clothes with gloves that can prevent scratching and infection of the skin by fingernails, especially at night.
  • For most people, sun exposure significantly improves the symptoms, so a vacation at the seaside or in the mountains is a good idea.