

In Germany, niclosamide is commercially available in the form of chewable tablets (Yomesan). In many countries, the drug is not registered.

Structure and properties

Niclosamide (C13H8Cl2N2O4, Mr = 327.1 g/mol) is a chlorinated and nitrated benzamide and salicylic acid derivative. It exists as yellowish white to yellowish fine crystals and is practically insoluble in water.


Niclosamide (ATC P02DA01) has antihelminthic properties. The effects are due to inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation in parasite mitochondria.


For the treatment of intestinal worm infestation:

  • (bovine tapeworm)
  • (pork tapeworm)
  • (Fish tapeworm)
  • (Dwarf tapeworm)

Topical use for bath dermatitis (“escape fleas“) in the form of niclosamide cream is discussed, see there.