Night sweat before and during the period | Night sweat

Night sweat before and during the period

Headache is a rather unspecific symptom that probably occurs to everyone from time to time. There are several causes that can be hidden behind headache and night sweats. A very simple and yet common cause is stress and evening brooding.

Infections of various kinds, such as the flu, can also cause night sweats and headaches. Strong night sweats can also be part of a so-called B-symptom, which can occur in cancer and autoimmune diseases. Apart from night sweat, this includes unintentional weight loss and fever.

Headaches can also be accompanying. Another possible cause of headaches and night sweats is sleep apnea. Typical symptoms of this disease are breathing problems, problems sleeping through the night and tiredness during the day.

Night sweat with tiredness and joint pain

The symptom combination of fatigue, night sweats and joint pain can indicate the presence of a rheumatic disease, mainly rheumatoid arthritis. Pain in the finger joints, which is present not only during stress but also at rest, is typical. In addition, the joints of both hands are usually affected.

Apart from the joints of the hands, other joints can also be affected. Another typical symptom is a morning stiffness of the hands, which lasts for more than half an hour. This means that the hands have to warm up first until they are fully mobile. Night sweat is caused by chronic inflammatory processes of this disease. It is not absolutely necessary, but it is frequently encountered.

Night sweat after surgery

Increased sweating during the night can occur after surgery and can have various reasons. First of all, one should bear in mind that an operation almost always causes a stress reaction in the body. Restless sleep and heavy sweating can be caused by pain after the operation.

Furthermore, as a complication after the operation, an infection of the wound or a general infection can occur. Night sweats can also occur as a complication of infection after surgery. Worrying is very strong night sweat, where the bed linen and nightgown must be changed, in combination with fever, nausea, vomiting or very strong pain. These can be signs of infection or severe circulatory reactions.