Nonlinguistic Learning Disorder: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Nonlinguistic learning disorder is a neuropsychological syndrome. In it, affected children suffer from various deficits.

What is a nonlinguistic learning disorder?

Nonverbal learning disorder is also known as nonverbal learning disorder or nonverbal learning disorder (NLD). Children suffering from the syndrome are unable to interpret body language. In Germany, the nonverbal learning disorder tends to be one of the lesser known disorders. The affected children learn to read at an early age and are gifted with a high level of linguistic ability. However, difficulties become apparent in non-verbal interactions. Furthermore, there is a lack of coordination and fine motor skills. Because there are also problems with the sense of balance, there are frequent falls and thus bruises and injuries. Furthermore, the children’s visual-spatial perception suffers from the neuropsychological syndrome. Thus, those affected have difficulty recognizing details and classifying them accordingly. Finally, they are also unable to perceive the body language of other people.


It has not yet been possible to clarify what causes the nonlinguistic learning disorder. Various medical experts suspect that neurological damage is responsible for the development of the nonverbal learning disorder. Destructions in the region of the white matter on the right side of the cerebrum are supposed to occur. Problems with learning, playing, sports and social behavior can be observed already in kindergarten and eventually in school life. Later career is also negatively affected by the nonverbal learning disorder. Thus, some patients have problems with independent living and it is difficult for them to obtain a driver’s license or to drive a car. The motor problems in turn increase the risk of accidents. Not infrequently, the social conspicuousness of the affected individuals leads to withdrawal from other people as well as isolation and discrimination. A non-linguistic learning disorder is often present in autistic people who suffer from Asperger’s syndrome. However, autism by no means exists in all people with nonverbal learning disorder.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

Nonverbal learning disorder is associated with various symptoms and disorders. For example, affected children are unable to understand or use body language on their own. In addition, they find it difficult to put verbal instructions into action, and they have no spatial imagination. Furthermore, there is a sensory hypersensitivity, which is noticeable in hearing, smelling, seeing and tasting. The lack of non-verbal communication such as body language results in problems with adaptability or socialization disorders. Motor disorders are also considered a typical symptom of the non-linguistic learning disorder. Thus, those affected suffer from balance problems, lack of coordination as well as handwriting problems. In addition, they exhibit poor visual memory, difficulties with spatial relationships, and inadequate spatial perception. Furthermore, those affected find it difficult to adjust to change. However, the non-linguistic learning disorder is also associated with some special abilities. For example, affected children learn to speak at an early age and have a pronounced vocabulary as well as great fluency. They learn to read at an early age, have a great talent for memorization and are good at remembering what they hear. Their attention to detail is high. However, these abilities are often lost in the numerous deficits that are considered important for life. The non-linguistic learning disorder becomes noticeable in early childhood. For example, problems become apparent in playing with other children as well as in further development. Although the children show special talents and preferences at school, they have difficulty learning new things. Because of their deficit in understanding body language and emotions, they rarely engage in sports activities and find it difficult to make friends. Nevertheless, it is quite possible for them to graduate from high school. However, they also suffer from problems in education and professional life whenever new knowledge needs to be added.

Diagnosis and course of the disease

To diagnose a nonlinguistic learning disorder, special learning and achievement tests are taken.The HAWIK test is one of the proven examination methods. Within this framework, verbal and non-verbal intelligence can be distinguished. The non-verbal learning disorder often results in a problematic course for those affected. For example, most of them cannot live alone in an apartment and are dependent on caregivers. Because of the specific movements required when driving, many affected persons do not manage to obtain a driver’s license because they cannot internalize the typical procedures. Since the social behavior of other people cannot be interpreted, interaction with them is often avoided.


A nonlinguistic learning disorder can have different consequences for the affected children. For example, the neuropsychological syndrome is already noticeable in kindergarten as well as in elementary school. Children suffering from a nonverbal learning disorder find it difficult to acquire knowledge. But also sports activities, playing and social behavior are affected by the disorder. Later, there are limitations in education as well as in pursuing a career. It is not uncommon for those affected to have problems leading an independent life. In addition, quite a few affected persons have difficulties with driving or with obtaining a driver’s license. The problems of a non-linguistic learning disorder are extremely varied. For example, the affected persons experience problems in solving mathematical tasks, while learning foreign languages does not cause them any difficulties. Problems in sports are attributed to the limitations of motor skills. Another consequence is the large amount of time the children need to complete tasks. One of the most serious complications of the non-linguistic learning disorder is the social isolation of those affected, as they often suffer discrimination because of their conspicuous social behavior, which in turn leads to social withdrawal. Not infrequently, depression or anxiety disorders threaten as a result. Due to the motor deficits, there is also the risk of falls or accidents. However, teachers, educators or trainers also often feel overwhelmed by individuals suffering from a nonverbal learning disorder.

When should you see a doctor?

Parents who notice deficits in their child’s language development, particularly in the area of body language, should seek medical advice. If accompanying increased attention to detail and early reading development are noticed, there may be an underlying nonlanguage learning disorder that needs medical attention. The disorder must be examined and specified by a specialist before treatment can be initiated. Therefore, even the first signs of a disorder should be clarified, especially if they limit the child’s social skills. Parents of affected children are best advised to talk to their family doctor. If necessary, they can consult a neurologist or speech therapist and, depending on the severity of the symptoms, other specialists. The actual treatment is also carried out by various doctors and psychologists. First and foremost is behavioral therapy, which must be started at an early stage. In addition, the child may also need therapeutic support. If behavioral problems occur during treatment, such as outbursts of rage or depressive moods, the doctor must be informed. Medication may also be necessary to accompany the behavioral therapy. Because of the variety of manifestations that a nonlinguistic learning disorder can take, each case must be considered on its own merits.

Treatment and therapy

Treating the causes of nonlinguistic learning disorder is not possible. Therefore, only therapy of the symptoms is provided. To improve perception and motor skills, physical therapy or occupational therapy are used. Social skills training is suitable to stimulate the social behavior of the affected person. Talk therapy as part of psychotherapy is considered to be a useful psychological support in order to promote the patient’s self-esteem. It is important that treatment measures take place at a pre-school age. However, due to the Internet, people suffering from a nonverbal learning disorder are no longer completely isolated in this day and age. Thus, they can communicate with other people via social networks, chats or forums.In written conversations, the main symptom of the learning disorder, the problematic use of body language, is omitted.

Outlook and prognosis

The prognosis of a nonspeech learning disorder is unfavorable. Since there is as yet no comprehensive clarification of the cause, doctors and physicians concentrate on treating the symptoms that occur. These can vary greatly from individual to individual. Despite all efforts, however, recovery from even a mild disorder is not possible given the current state of medicine. Depending on the extent of the symptoms, some symptoms can be treated successfully. Nevertheless, long-term therapy is usually necessary, since a recurrence of symptoms may occur with the cessation of treatment measures. The best possible results are achieved if the learning disorder is diagnosed and treated as early as possible. Special therapies are necessary as early as the first years of life. Within the child’s developmental process, various optimizations and improvements can be documented in this way. If a start of treatment is initiated in adulthood, normally no significant changes or alleviation can be observed. A comparable outlook applies if no treatment takes place and the relatives and affected persons concentrate on self-help measures or alternative healing methods. Due to its symptoms, the disease represents a heavy burden for the affected person as well as for the members of his or her social environment. Due to the emotional stress, a large number of patients experience psychological sequelae for this reason, resulting in a further deterioration of the overall situation.


Preventive measures against nonlinguistic learning disorder are not available. Thus, the precipitating causes of neuropsychological syndrome are still in the dark.


The persistence of the beneficial effects of any therapeutic efforts depends largely on the time at which the diagnosis is made. Early and correct classification of the spectrum of symptoms is important. Affected persons who have already benefited from a coordinated therapeutic cooperation in childhood and who continue to make use of it in adulthood often succeed in leading a successful life. Among the most important supporting aspects is also a well-founded psychotherapeutic accompaniment. This is due to the particular risks that are most likely to affect people with NLD. These include gradual withdrawal from the social environment, the associated isolation and likewise psychological sequelae. Adults who have not experienced any therapy-specific support in their childhood are most affected in this regard. The situation is similar if effective measures are neglected over a longer period of time. Here, subsequent interventions, compared to promptly initiated support measures, do not lead to significant improvement of psycho-motor, spatial-constructive, and other related difficulties. For a better understanding of the disorder associated with NLD, a continuous accumulation of knowledge, both by relatives and affected persons, is recommended. A positive way of life can be supported and always developed through this.

What you can do yourself

Since the consequences of the disease already become apparent during the first years of life, it is important to correctly diagnose this disorder at an early stage and to take targeted countermeasures. The disorder otherwise leads to social isolation in kindergarten or preschool already in young children. Often, those affected are excluded from groups or even bullied. To prevent or at least mitigate this process, it is important to inform the educational staff about the child’s disorder. If possible, an educational institution should be found for those affected in which the caregivers already have experience with a non-linguistic learning disorder. In addition, parents should make sure that a child psychologist is consulted as early as possible to decide whether and when to begin behavioral therapy, which is almost always required. If, as is often the case, the child also shows motor deficits, physiotherapy and occupational therapy must also be initiated at an early stage. In this way, the patient’s motor skills can usually be significantly improved.Since those affected do not usually exhibit reduced intelligence, parents should also look as early as possible for a school institution that will allow their child to continue his or her education despite the non-linguistic learning disorder. The reduced ability to communicate with others must also be taken into account when choosing a career. The Federal Employment Agency offers parents and adolescents special counseling for this purpose.