Note | Therapy of scapholunary dissociationSLD


You are here in the sub-theme Therapy of Scapholunary Dissociation. For general information on this topic, see Scapholunary Dissociation (SLD).


The complication of untreated or overlooked (1° and 2° injuries are often difficult to diagnose) scapholunar dissociationSLD is the development of osteoarthritis. Due to the unfavorable position of the individual carpal bones against each other, the sliding surfaces can no longer slide optimally against each other and wear of the cartilage develops. The consequences are pain and restricted movement.


The prognosis of the scapholunar dissociationSLD is difficult. Surgically corrected injuries can heal without any detectable damage or can lead to arthrosis despite optimal care. Higher grade untreated injuries almost always lead to arthrosis in the carpus.