Numbness in the arm

Normally, our nerves continuously transmit information from the whole body to the brain. If some information, for example about touch and pain, cannot be transmitted, we have a numbness in the affected area. This means that either a strange feeling is present throughout or a touch on the arm cannot be perceived as such. An example of this is that an arm has fallen asleep because too much pressure was exerted on a nerve for too long. There are many different causes for this, most of which are completely harmless, but some of which must be treated directly.


The causes for numbness in the arm are manifold. The following articles may also be of interest to you:

  • One possibility is pressure on a nerve from the outside, which is colloquially referred to as a fallen asleep arm.
  • Deafness can also occur after insect bites.
  • Pressure on the nerve can also continue to be generated centrally, for example if a nerve is pressed in by an intervertebral disc in the cervical spine.
  • A stroke can also lead to numbness in an arm or other parts of the body.
  • Multiple sclerosis can also manifest itself initially with numbness in one arm or leg.
  • After an accident, numbness in the arm can indicate damage to the spinal cord.
  • Nightly falling asleep of the hand
  • Nerve damage
  • Herniated disc of the cervical spine

Tension means that a muscle exerts force permanently. Many nerves run through muscle gaps in one or more places.

If these muscles are permanently tense, the nerve can be irritated and thus lead to numbness. The affected muscle usually feels very hard, especially compared to the opposite side. The numbness spot should then be located further out.

An improvement can often be achieved with a hot water bottle on the affected muscle. If the symptoms persist for a longer period of time, a drug therapy, for example a pain injection, can provide relief. An insect bite leads locally to an allergic reaction with water retention in the tissue.

In the case of a strong reaction, this can also lead to pressure on local nerves. Diseases such as neuroborelliosis caused by a tick bite can also lead to numbness and other neurological symptoms. The local swelling caused by mosquito bites should go down after a few days.

If you feel numbness in your arm after a tick bite, however, you should consult a doctor immediately, as antibiotic therapy is necessary. Between the individual vertebral bodies of the spinal column are cushioning discs, the so-called intervertebral discs. These discs can be destroyed by incorrect loading and push in the nerves that leave the spinal cord.

Depending on the height of the herniated disc, this can lead to pain and numbness in the affected areas. A numbness in the arm speaks for a herniated disc of C6, C7 or C8, because these are the nerve roots which are responsible for the sensitivity of the arms. If the upper arm is affected by the numbness, depending on the location, C5, rather the outside, or TH1, rather the inside, may also be affected.

If the symptoms are mild, those affected can already benefit from muscle strengthening and physiotherapy. In the case of more severe complaints and if paralysis occurs in addition to numbness, surgery on the intervertebral disc may be necessary.

  • A herniated disc of C6 is expected to cause numbness in the thumb and on the thumb-side forearm.
  • In C7 the numbness is more in the middle three fingers and extends to half of the forearm on the outside.
  • A herniated disc of C8 causes numbness in the little finger and the little finger side of the forearm.

In the case of numbness in the arm, the family doctor first examines the common causes.

During a physical examination, the doctor looks for other symptoms, such as tense muscles or other neurological abnormalities. MS is also diagnosed through imaging and laboratory tests. If a stroke occurs, a CT scan is performed and therapy is started immediately.

  • If a stroke or MS is suspected, the person is immediately sent to hospital.
  • In case of a herniated disc, imaging, i.e. a CT or X-ray, can be arranged.