Nutmeg Tree: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Nutmeg has enriched cuisine since the Middle Ages thanks to its warm and spicy, sweet and bitter, fiery and peppery aroma. A pinch of the seeds, finely grated, spices many different dishes such as mashed potatoes, cauliflower or light sauces. Botanically, nutmeg is not a nut, but the seed kernel of the nutmeg tree.

Occurrence and cultivation of the nutmeg tree.

The nutmeg tree is originally native to Indonesia, but is now cultivated in tropical areas worldwide. Botanically speaking, nutmeg is not a nut, but the seed kernel of the nutmeg tree. Nutmeg, which originates from the Indonesian Banda Islands, was known as a remedy in ancient times and antiquity, but it did not play a major role as a spice at that time. It was not until the 16th century that nutmeg gained importance in this respect as well. Although nutmeg did not reach the European kitchens of Europe until later, nowadays it is an integral part of the spice palette. The nutmeg tree is originally native to Indonesia, but is now cultivated in tropical areas worldwide. Nowadays, for example, it can be found in Africa, Asia and South America. The most important growing countries are Indonesia, India and Grenada. The evergreen tree can grow up to 20 meters high, although it usually does not grow taller than six meters on plantations. The dark green, leathery leaves are short-stalked and lanceolate pointed. The nutmeg tree, which blooms yellowish-white, has male and female flowers. The tree’s female flowers develop into yellow drupes similar to peaches. The nutmeg, which is botanically a single-seeded berry, is contained in a smooth and woody shell. It is surrounded by a bright crimson to violet-red seed coat (mace). The seed coat is removed and, just like the nut, dried. When the shell is removed, the brownish seeds with their reticulated surface are revealed, up to 25 millimeters long and weighing about four grams. During drying, the mace fades. It becomes orange to yellowish-brown and three to four centimeters long. Nutmeg is the name given to the seeds with the slightly wrinkled surface. It is aromatic, sweet-spicy and slightly resinous. Nutmeg contains 30 to 40 percent oil, which, when squeezed, is used to make nutmeg butter. Nutmeg has now been used grated as a spice for over 2,000 years. The nutmeg tree takes an average of about eight years to bear its first fruit, and only after about 15 years is there a bountiful harvest.

Effect and application

Nutmeg can be prepared in many ways. For example, the grated nut boiled with warm milk has a calming effect due to the essential oils that are released, and is particularly good for insomnia. Freshly grated nutmeg also stimulates digestion. Furthermore, the essential oils have an antibacterial effect, so that an external treatment is also effective. For this purpose, a nutmeg is freshly grated and mixed with water to form a thick paste. This is applied to the inflamed area. In addition, the essential nutmeg oil can be incorporated into creams. Nutmeg butter is used, for example, to treat digestive problems and externally to treat skin conditions. Nutmeg is also used to refine numerous dishes. However, it is used sparingly in the kitchen, because it tastes very intense. It has a warm, spicy-aromatic and peppery taste and is often used to flavor potato and meat dishes, light sauces, cream soups, flower and Brussels sprouts and asparagus. In Italian cuisine, nutmeg is often used in combination with pasta dishes and spinach. Thanks to its slightly bitter aroma, it is also indispensable in Christmas baking. Nutmeg is available ground and as whole nutmeg. Usually a pinch is enough to give dishes a nice spice. Nutmeg should be added just before the end of the cooking time so that the aroma is retained in the food. In the past, nutmeg was very precious, so that even wars were fought over it, but nowadays the exotic spice is available relatively cheaply in any supermarket. Since the aroma dissipates quickly, nutmeg is best stored in airtight and dark packaging and always freshly rubbed over the food. In quantities of four grams or more, nutmeg has a toxic effect.Children and pregnant women should avoid them altogether.

Health significance, treatment and prevention.

Nutmeg can be used internally and externally. However, special caution is advisable here to avoid overdose. Nutmeg is said to help with numerous diseases and ailments, for example, flatulence, diarrhea, stomach cramps, a liver, gallbladder and heart weakness, insomnia, eczema and herpes. The essential oils have an analgesic effect and can also be used for gout, rheumatism and joint pain. Nutmeg also has a stimulating, aphrodisiac and performance-enhancing effect, it aids digestion and relieves cramps. Nutmeg is said to have a very positive effect on intestinal activity in particular, and also helps with gastrointestinal infections with diarrhea and acute gastritis. The intestinal walls are said to become more permeable to the important nutrients through consumption. In addition, nutmeg relieves flatulence. It also stimulates the appetite, so it is popular to use it after a long illness when there is no appetite left. Nutmeg is additionally used in Ayurvedic medicine for incontinence, premature ejaculation and insomnia.