Nutrition and Breathing in the Mazdaznan Teachings

Eat little, but properly and varied vegetarian food, but not for the sake of eating – this is the principle of Mazdaznan diet. The goal of the rather ascetic food intake is to become a perfect person. Simple breathing exercises are responsible for spiritual nourishment. What role breathing and nutrition play in Mazdaznan teachings, you can learn here.

Nutrition is a process of creation

“Man is not on earth to collect in his stomach everything that the forest, meadow, field or garden throw off, as in a kind of food store, nor is he here to be a kind of churchyard or graveyard for dead animals. Rather, it is to prove here on earth the power of spirit over matter.” Thus begins Chapter 1 of Mazdaznan Nutrition. Two aspects, namely animal foods and feasting itself, are rejected by the followers of this doctrine.

In simple terms, Mazdaznan (pronounced “Masdasnan”) is a philosophy of life based on conscious breathing and nutrition. The word itself means “the thought that masters everything”. In addition to proper nutrition, proper breathing plays a major role.

Conscious eating: less is more

Obesity and gluttony are taboo; self-control and moderate eating are paramount. Preserved foods and meat are rejected, while eggs and dairy products are allowed. If you think that the Mazdaznan diet is monotonous and strict, you are wrong: because of the very conscious way of taking in food, variety is also deliberately added to the menu. Thus, about two-thirds of the food should consist of vegetables and one-third of starch, fat and proteins.

The right combination is also crucial: for example, two meals containing protein are unfavorable; fruit or vegetables with bread, rice or yogurt would be better. Vegetables should not be steamed with water, but with little fat. In the morning, fasting is advantageous because of the rather strong digestion; only fruit juices are allowed, as they still support digestion.

What the diet should do in the Mazdaznan teachings.

Those who eat this way, the teachings say, will sooner or later get rid of their excess weight and live healthier.

Mazdaznan nutrition, the proponents claim, gives people the best of nature and thus also increases their mental strength. Proper nutrition, they say, leads to the formation of higher potencies or forces in man, who develops an expanded, higher thinking within himself.

Breathing properly in Mazdaznan teachings: exercises.

The following concentration or creativity exercise is done while breathing in:

  • One relaxes all the muscles, raises the chest and holds it in this position.
  • At the same time, the tongue is flat on the floor of the mouth and the tip of the tongue on the lower row of teeth, the eyes are focused on a point at eye level.
  • Now inhale fully until it goes no further, hold the breath for 20 to 30 seconds or longer, then exhale until the lungs are completely emptied.
  • Repeat this exercise three to five times, holding your breath a little longer each time.
  • This exercise should never be done immediately after a meal.

In case of malaise and poor circulation, this exercise helps:

  • All muscles are relaxed, tongue as if inhaling.
  • You exhale and empty the lungs until it goes no further.
  • Do not inhale for 20 to 30 seconds or longer, and then inhale again, sobbing deeply.
  • Repeat this exercise also three to five times.

Origin of Mazdaznan teaching

The Mazdaznan movement goes back far into the past: to the ancient Iranian priest and prophet Zarathustra, namely, who probably lived in eastern Iran between 1,000 and 500 BC. He created Parsismu – also called Mazdaism – a dualistic, strongly ethical religious doctrine.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Otto Hanisch brought the Mazdaznan doctrine to the West. He had studied medicine in Iran and had become acquainted with the teachings of Zarathustra. In addition to conscious nutrition, proper inhaling and exhaling gives spiritual nourishment to the body.