Nutrition for heart disease

Arteriosclerosis is a pathological change in the arterial wall. Fat deposits, cell proliferation, inflammation, proliferation of connective tissue and calcifications occur which lead to hardening and thickening of the vessel wall. The inner diameter of the affected arteries becomes more and more narrow and in case of additional clot formation, the vessels can become completely blocked.

The consequences of these changes in the vessels are primarily coronary heart disease (CHD), heart attack, stroke, circulatory disorders and sacculation of the arteries. Arteriosclerosis often goes unnoticed for a long time and its development depends largely on the presence, number and severity of so-called risk factors. The most important risk factors for the development of coronary heart disease are Natural.

Factors such as age, sex and a certain family predisposition also influence the development of coronary heart disease. Numerous studies have shown in the past that diet is the most important factor in its development. The high-fat (high proportion of saturated fatty acids from animal foods) and over-calorie diet, which is widespread in industrialized countries, favors the development of risk factors such as obesity, lipometabolic disorders, high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus.

The heart attack rate in industrialized countries is high.

  • Changed blood lipid values
  • High blood pressure
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Overweight and
  • Increased fibrinogen and homocysteine levels.

These fatty acids are found in fish oil and their scientific names are eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. Primarily, these fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and have a positive influence on blood clotting by inhibiting the formation of blood clots.

Omega-3 fatty acids are thus classified as cardioprotective. However, the question of the exact desirable intake cannot yet be answered unambiguously. It is becoming increasingly known that the attack of so-called “free radicals” on the cells of the vessel walls plays an important role in the development of arteriosclerosis.

Free radicals arise from cells of the immune system through internal but also external influences such as radiation and environmental toxins. If they are too numerously present in the organism healthy cells are attacked and changed. As catchers of free radicals the so-called antioxidants are used.

These are vitamin C, beta carotene and vitamin E. Lately also the effect of the secondary plant materials (see chapter “healthy nutrition” with fruit and vegetable), primarily the Flavonoide as radical catcher is discussed. Various studies indicate a cardioprotective effect of certain food components. There are no concrete recommendations for intake.

Antioxidants can at best be used as a supplement to the classical therapy of risk factors for coronary heart disease

  • Vitamin E seems to work vascular-protecting, while the effectiveness of Vitamin C and beta carotin is judged contradictory. Also the protecting effect of the trace element selenium is further questionable.

Homocysteine is an amino acid and comes from the protein metabolism. It is formed in the organism as a short-lived metabolic intermediate product and is normally broken down again quickly.

Vitamins B 6, B 12 and folic acid are needed for its breakdown. In the very rare metabolic disease homocystinuria, there is a disrupted breakdown and thus an increase in the homocysteine level in the blood. This clinical picture is associated with early arteriosclerosis and arterial occlusion in the heart, brain and extremities.

Studies have shown that even moderately elevated homocysteine levels increase the risk of arteriosclerosis. The homocysteine level in the blood can be effectively lowered by the intake of vitamin B12, B6 and especially folic acid. An intake of 400 mg is recommended.

Folic acid is recommended daily. With a varied, wholefood diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables and wholemeal products, this amount is quite achievable. Whether an additional supply of folic acid and the other vitamins mentioned in tablet form brings a further advantage and what the optimal dosage would be cannot be answered conclusively yet.

The basis remains first of all the healthy, full-value nutrition which is based on the guidelines of the food pyramid.If K patients are overweight (BMI over 25), they must first lose weight. This should be done with a moderately energy-reduced mixed diet that normalizes blood lipid values (described in detail in the chapter on obesity and hyperlipoproteinaemia). should be used.

One-sided diets and fasting cures are particularly unsuitable for CHD patients. It can lead to a strain on the cardiovascular system. In principle, a needs-based energy supply is recommended for normal-weight CHD patients.

The diet should be low in fat, rich in carbohydrates and ballast stools. If high blood pressure is present, the daily intake of salt must be limited. With further factors of risk such as diabetes it becomes necessary to pay attention to the supply of sugar and with increased blood fat values in particular the fat supply must be reduced and paid attention to the quality of the fats.

Due to the protective effect of omega-3 fatty acids, regular consumption of fish is desirable. Particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids are high-fat fish species such as mackerel, salmon, herring and tuna. Of course, low-fat fish such as pollack, cod or plaice are also recommended.

They are suppliers of valuable protein and iodine. Plenty of wholemeal products, vegetables and fruit every day ensures a sufficient supply of dietary fiber. Antioxidative vitamins such as vitamin C and beta-carotene are also sufficiently absorbed.

Likewise, bioactive substances and folic acid will be abundantly contained. Vitamin E is to be found above all in vegetable oils and the daily supply of vegetable oils is recommended. However it is doubtful whether the supply is sufficient around the need of 100mg Vitamin E to cover.

A regular intake of vitamin E is however not recommended without medical control. Low, regular consumption of alcohol is said to have a positive influence on HDL levels. However, in view of the known health risks of regular alcohol consumption, this cannot be recommended for the prevention of CHD.

Regular consumption of garlic can have a certain protective effect on the development of arteriosclerosis. In some cases a cholesterol and blood pressure lowering effect has been observed. Blood coagulation has also been positively influenced.

However, the supply of garlic can only ever be useful in connection with a healthy diet based on the food pyramid and can only have a slightly supportive effect. In studies a connection between coffee consumption and increased cholesterol values was observed. However, this effect is only triggered by boiled coffee, not by filter coffee, and this is independent of the caffeine content.

One attributes this to the presence of coffee oil (Cafestol and Kahweol). In unfiltered coffee, 1-2 coffee oil per liter are found, in filtered coffee only 10 mg. If high cholesterol levels are present, filter coffee should be drunk preferably.

More than 3 – 4 cups per day are not recommended.

  • In case of overweight (BMI over 25) first weight reduction
  • Limit daily fat intake to 30% of daily energy by reducing saturated animal fats from fatty meat, sausage and dairy products. Prepare low-fat meals.
  • Regular consumption of fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, tuna and salmon in small amounts to increase the intake of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Prefer vegetable oils.

    Olive oil and rape seed oil are recommended. No solid fats (coconut oil) and chemically hardened fats from industrial products.

  • Abundant consumption of fruit and vegetables. “Five a day” means 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day (2 portions of fruit, 3 portions of vegetables). The portion size is measured by hand. Varied, versatile and seasonal shopping ensures a sufficient supply of antioxidants, folic acid and bioactive substances.
  • Abundant consumption of whole grain products, legumes and potatoes in low-fat preparation.