Nutrition in Pregnancy

Even if it sometimes seems so in view of the many guidebooks on the market, a pregnancy is not a disease. Basically, therefore, the following applies to nutrition during pregnancy: what is allowed is what tastes good. Normally, a woman in pregnancy knows very well what is right and important for her. But of course there are some things that pregnant women should pay attention to in their diet.

How many calories do pregnant women need?

Being pregnant does not mean that the pregnant woman now has to eat for two. In fact, calorie needs hardly change during the first two-thirds of pregnancy. So pregnant women do not need to eat more during the first six months of pregnancy. Depending on age, height, weight and activity, the requirement is approximately 2000 kilocalories per day. In the last trimester of pregnancy, however, calorie intake should be increased by about 200 kilocalories per day. Calorie intake should also be adjusted if twins or multiples are expected. Increased caloric intake is also necessary if the BMI before pregnancy was below 19. Overweight and obese pregnant women, on the other hand, should be careful not to add too many calories.

The body needs more vitamins

Although the body does not need calories for two, a good supply of vitamins is essential for the development of the child. Vitamins are instrumental in the formation of red blood cells. They promote the development of the unborn and contribute to a healthy and complete development.

They need now: Folic acid, iodine, iron

Of particular importance during pregnancy is the vitamin folic acid. Iodine and iron also play an important role. Even before pregnancy, women who want to have children should double their folic acid intake if possible. If not enough folic acid can be taken in through the diet, the use of a dietary supplement should be considered. Folic acid can prevent the dreaded neural tube defects (open back) in children. The recommended daily dose is at least 600 µg (=0.6 mg). Iron deficiency is common during pregnancy. However, iron deficiency increases the likelihood that the child will have a low birth weight at birth. Lower iron levels also increase the risk of infection for both mother and child. During pregnancy, the unborn child is dependent on the mother’s iodine supply. Expectant mothers therefore need more iodine than before pregnancy. This increased need can be met only with difficulty through normal food, so that pregnant women are recommended to take iodine supplements in tablet form.

What vegetarians should watch out for

With a balanced vegetarian diet, the nutrient supply can also be ensured during pregnancy. However, to ensure an adequate supply of iron, pregnant women who are vegetarians should have their iron levels checked regularly. If this is below the required levels, they should supplement iron if necessary. If they do not eat sea fish, they should also take omega-3 fatty acids via dietary supplements. These are important for the child’s development.

What vegans should watch out for

A vegan diet during pregnancy is only recommended for women who have also lived vegan for a long time before pregnancy and are familiar with the vegan diet and lifestyle. Vegan pregnant women should also supplement folic acid, vitamin B12 and iron in consultation with their doctor.

What should pregnant women not eat or drink?

There are a number of products that should be avoided at all costs during pregnancy. In particular, raw or undercooked meat is a no-no. Raw butcher’s sausage, tea sausage, raw ham, tartar or pâté can contain toxoplasmosis pathogens that can cause severe disabilities in the baby. Cold-smoked hams and cold-smoked fish are also not recommended. Ready-made salads and packaged delicatessen products do not belong on the menu, as they may contain various bacteria. The same applies to raw milk and products made from raw milk. Cheeses such as Brie, ricotta, feta and gorgonzola should also be avoided. These products sometimes contain listeria. These pathogens can cause brain damage in the baby.For the same reason, raw fish should not be consumed. Of course, alcohol should be completely avoided during pregnancy. Alcohol during pregnancy impairs the development of the child in each trimester and causes serious damage to the unborn child.

Be careful with medicinal herbs!

Fennel, caraway and anise can be very beneficial, especially for flatulence. During pregnancy, however, the medicinal herbs should be used with caution. Anise and fennel stimulate the uterus in larger quantities. In smaller doses, however, they are usually harmless. Shepherd’s purse, lady’s mantle, bloodroot and mugwort also stimulate the uterus and can sometimes cause birth defects. They should only be used under expert guidance. Clove oil, celandine and black cohosh can also induce premature labor and endanger the well-being of the child.

How diet can affect your child’s allergy development

More and more children are suffering from allergies. Some studies suggested that avoiding allergenic foods during pregnancy might positively influence children’s allergy tendencies. In fact, however, nutritionists today no longer recommend avoiding certain foods to prevent allergy. To give the child a healthy and vital start in life, a healthy and balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables is recommended. Occasional consumption of fish and white meat can also have a positive effect on the child’s health.