Nutrition | Strength training for women


Muscles need energy in the form of calories (kcal) for strength training. We absorb these through food. The three major groups of nutrients are carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Protein is particularly important for muscle growth, as muscles are built up especially from this nutrient. Nevertheless, it is also important for women in weight training to have a balanced diet. This means that pure protein diets are not as sensible as a diet in which all three basic nutrients are represented in the same calorie count.

Experts differ on whether meals should be distributed over five (every three hours) or three (every five hours) a day. An average woman needs about 2,000 kcal per day. If she wants to reduce her weight, she should limit the daily amount of nutrients to 1.

500 kcal. Of course, no meal should be left out completely. On the other hand, if she wants to gain weight, the daily calorie intake should be increased to 2.

500 kcal. Protein shakes and weight gainers in addition to normal meals are particularly suitable for taking in these extra calories for muscle building. In order for the diet to optimize the training, it is necessary to take a close look at what you eat.

Therefore, the best way to train women is to eat a diet that is as natural as possible, without ready-to-eat meals. This is the only way to know for sure what and how much nutrients you are taking in.Last but not least, the principle still applies: always drink enough! Water or unsweetened tea is best suited.

Besides proteins, our muscles consist of 75% water. A lack of liquid can therefore quickly lead to exhaustion and muscle cramps. All numbers given are arbitrary and are for understanding purposes only.

In the initial situation, the body uses about 1400 kcal per day (basal metabolic rate). If exercise is added to the daily routine, the daily consumption increases to approx. 1800 kcal.

With normal eating habits, the woman consumes approx. 1800 kcal through food. There is therefore a balanced energy balance.

She does not become thicker or thinner. In order to lose weight, the energy intake must simply be reduced. During the diet your body only gets an estimated 500 kcal (depending on the diet).

This results in a negative energy balance. The woman loses weight! After 7 days 7 pounds.

However, since the body can respond to all stimuli, it will do so even if you are on a diet. The important thing is that the daily basal metabolic rate drops in the long run due to the low food intake caused by the diet. Thus, the woman no longer consumes 1400 kcal per day, but only 1100 kcal.

With now beginning normal eating habits, a positive energy balance develops. The woman becomes thicker. A regular strength training and endurance training causes the daily basal metabolic rate to increase. In our case this would be from 1400 Kcal to approx. 1800 kcal.