Nux vomica | Homeopathy for migraine

Nux vomica

The preparation is used for headaches caused by anger, failure and hectic overexertion or as a result of irritant abuse (excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee or stimulants). Typical patients are choleric, impulsive and domineering; they are often conspicuous in their environment by not tolerating any contradiction and are easily annoyed. The migraine mainly occurs in the morning with pressing pain in the back of the head and a “feeling of shatteredness”; patients express the feeling of not having slept.

The only measure that can bring about an improvement of the symptoms is rest, whereby the situation is worsened by food intake and further intake of stimulants. Nux vomica is used in a general dosage of D6, but the preparation should not be taken in the morning as that is when the symptoms are most pronounced; prescription is compulsory up to D3. You can find information on nux vomica under our topic: Nux vomica


Phosphorus is used for migraine, which occurs after mental exertion and even after minor annoyances. Patients are characterized by nervous hyperexcitability, fear and fright. During the seizure, the affected persons are sensitive to various sensory impressions, such as bright light, loud sounds (music) and smells.

Headaches with nausea, vomiting, dizziness and visual disturbances are also not uncommon.The patients around a red or green surrounding courtyard around objects in their field of vision. After the migraine attack they are very exhausted, depressed and mentally apathetic. The symptoms are aggravated by cold, fresh air, bending, speaking and staying in warm rooms; improvement occurs through rest and sleep. General dosage of phosphorus for migraine and headache: D6 drops; prescription up to and including D3. For further information about Phosphorus, please see our topic: Phosphorus

Aurum metallicum

If migraine is triggered by contradiction, Aurum metallicum is used therapeutically. Usually, the patients concerned are elderly patients with calcifications of the arteries (arteriosclerosis), circulatory disorders of the brain or high blood pressure. Those affected are depressed, brooding and introverted; most of them have no self-confidence, are desperate and long for their death.

Headaches occur at night as pressure pain at the temples and are described as pressing outwards; they are accompanied by dizziness, fear and weakness. The symptoms also include a reddening of the face with a bluish discoloration; in addition, the patients quickly lose their skin and are angry. The complaints increase at night, through movement, shock or contradiction and anger. Aurum metallicum is mostly used for migraine as tablets in dosage D6. For further information about Aurum metallicum please see our topic: Aurum metallicum