Oily skin – What to do?

If there is oily skin, the question arises: What is to be done?

Synonyms in a broader sense

oily skin, Seborrhoea Medical: Seborrhoea

The therapy of oily skin consists mainly of appropriate cleansing and care. It is, contrary to common assumptions, a fatal mistake to dry out the skin. One should never completely degrease the skin (which can easily happen, for example, by washing it too often) so that its protective water-lipid mantle (acid mantle) is not destroyed.

In addition, completely degreased skin tends to react to this loss with an overproduction of sebum in order to replenish the lost lipids. It is better to try to control the sebum production in a targeted manner with certain selected skin care products, to refine the skin structure and to counteract skin impurities as far as possible. It is particularly important here to keep the skin in general clean.

One should be careful to cleanse the skin primarily from excess oil on the skin surface, but also from residual care products or sweat. Water should always be used as the basic cleansing agent, but it should not be too hot, but preferably lukewarm, as too warm water stimulates the production of sebum. Various soaps or syndets (stands for synthetic detergents, i.e. washing-active substances) can then be used with the water.

The most suitable cleansing agents are non-greasy detergents that are adjusted to the pH value of the skin surface and at the same time remove excess oil. It is therefore best to use a slightly acidic cleanser (with a low pH value of about 5.5) and thus support the skin’s natural acid mantle. Always rinse with cold water afterwards.

Such a cleaning should be done at least once, preferably twice a day. In addition, a more intensive cleansing can be done about once a week with a peeling that opens the pores and counteracts the formation of blackheads. A facial tonic should also be used daily.

However, when using such products you should pay attention to the following. It is advisable to apply a facial tonic with absorbent cotton pads and not to use your bare hand for this. In this way the germ load of the skin is reduced as much as possible.

This prevents the formation of pimples and blackheads. It should also be noted that after a facial treatment the skin is often irritated and should be treated gently. This is especially important if you do face care every day. For example, you should not rub your face dry with a towel after a peeling, but carefully dab it off. Facial steam baths, especially if they are enriched with chamomile, also have a positive effect on the appearance of the skin.