Open MRT | Claustrophobia? – Examination in an open MRT

Open MRT

The new open MRI equipment is not a tube with an opening at the head and foot end as it has been used in some radiological institutes since the 1990s.Due to the novel design, which requires only a single support pillar, access to the patient to be examined is now possible over 320 degrees. Especially for people who suffer from severe claustrophobia, the almost unrestricted view from the magnetic resonance tomograph offers enormous advantages. For this reason, an open MRI can be used for almost any patient.

However, in direct comparison to conventional closed MRI devices, an open MRI can only generate a significantly lower magnetic field strength. While the magnetic field strength of a tunnel system is approximately 1.5 to 3 Tesla, an open MRI can only generate 0.4 to 1.0 Tesla. At first glance, this may appear to be a disadvantage of open MRI.

In fact, the reduction of the magnetic field strength has a great influence on the ability of the device to excite hydrogen atoms (protons) in the human body. This in turn can have a negative effect on the resolution of the individual sectional images. For this reason, it could be assumed that the images generated in an open MRI are much fuzzier and less detailed.

According to some studies, however, the reduction in magnetic field strength can be almost completely compensated for by a longer exposure time. An open MRI is even, if it is a newer model, able to produce equivalent or even better quality sectional images by increasing the measurement time. In addition, eccentrically located body sections, such as the shoulder, elbow and wrist, can be examined in much more comfortable positions due to the various positioning options.

In this way, motion artifacts that negatively influence the image quality can be avoided. This is not easily possible in most of the conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems. An open MRI offers a number of advantages over the conventional closed MRI tube.

One of the most important advantages of this novel diagnostic procedure is the fact that open MRI: Although an open MRI can only generate a lower magnetic field strength than a closed tube, all examinations can be performed by adjusting the recording time. An open MRI can produce sectional images of the joints, internal organs, nerves and vessels and the female breast in particularly high image quality. Without exposure to radiation, as is the case with conventional x-rays or computed tomography, for example, the inner tissues of the human body can be displayed and the smallest changes can be visualized with particular precision.

In addition, an open MRI has a much wider lying surface compared to a closed magnetic resonance tomograph. For this reason, open MRI offers patients significantly more comfort. Particularly for people who suffer from pronounced claustrophobia, the 360-degree panoramic view means that examinations can be performed without fear attacks.

It is usually not necessary for these patients to take a sedative before the examination. For this reason, it is no longer necessary to bring an accompanying person to the MRI appointment. An open MRI also offers enormous advantages for the examination of small children.

If it is not possible to position the child in the device alone, a parent can go to the examination couch. In this way, high-resolution sectional images without movement artifacts can be generated even for small children. The examination in open MRI is much more relaxed and less stressful for the child.

Due to the spacious design of an open MRI with a 360-degree panoramic view, older patients also lie much more comfortably in the examination device. This advantage can also be used for people with limited range of motion. Until now, severely overweight patients could only be examined to a limited extent or not at all in conventional magnetic resonance tomographs.

Due to the increased space on the lying surface, these patients can now also be examined with an open MRI without any problems. In addition, the quality of the sectional images can be positively influenced by the possibility to move the patient to be examined on the examination couch in all directions. The reason for this is the fact that the resolving power of any magnetic resonance tomograph is highest centrally.For example, if the liver is to be displayed, the patient to be examined can be positioned so that the liver is in the center of the MRI.

  • Suitable for all examinations
  • The performance of a comfortable examination ensures
  • For patients with claustrophobia is suitable
  • For children is suitable
  • Suitable for older people
  • Diagnostic tests can be performed even on very overweight patients
  • Delivers high image quality.