

A regular position of the teeth is always desirable, both aesthetically and functionally. Positional anomalies should therefore be eliminated. Orthodontics can correct malocclusions and thus restore the ideal condition.

Orthodontic treatment is mainly performed on children, but can also lead to success in adulthood. In this case, however, the duration of orthodontic treatment is considerably longer. Are you interested in pediatrics?

The malocclusions in the jaw area can be manifold. They range from the abnormal position of a single tooth to the malformation of an entire jaw. Prognathism is the term used to describe an excessive protrusion of the upper jaw in contrast to progeny, the excessive protrusion of the lower jaw.

The early loss of one or more milk teeth without a space maintainer leads to malocclusion of the permanent teeth due to lack of space. Even if a milk tooth persists, i.e. does not fall out according to the rules, the following permanent tooth has no space and breaks through outside the normal position and must be treated in orthodontics. It must then be brought into the correct position after removal of the deciduous tooth.

Preparatory measures of orthodontics

Before every orthodontic treatment of a child, the orthodontist takes impressions of the initial state of the jaws. With the help of plaster models, which are repeated during the course of treatment, the success of the regulation can be checked at any time. Then a detailed discussion with the child’s parents takes place, in which the treatment steps and the approximate time frame are discussed.

Any necessary restoration of the dentition is carried out by the family dentist. The orthodontist decides whether a fixed or a removable appliance will be used. If the temporomandibular joint is too narrow overall, it may be necessary to remove a permanent healthy tooth to make room.

If at all possible, however, healthy teeth should be preserved. However, if it is necessary, the first small molar tooth is generally the most suitable, as experience shows that this tooth is most susceptible to caries. The cost of orthodontic treatment also plays a role. By means of the orthodontic indication groups, the orthodontist classifies the malocclusion according to its severity.