Other accompanying symptoms | Numbness on the lip

Other accompanying symptoms

Since the causes of numbness in the lip area are very diverse, the most diverse accompanying symptoms are also conceivable. In the event of a stroke, other neurological symptoms such as speech or vision disorders and sudden paralysis occur in addition to the numbness. Pain in the paranasal sinuses or toothache can also be accompanying symptoms.

Then the cause for the numbness is usually found in this area. This is often caused by inflammatory processes. A numbness feeling is usually already felt by the patient as very unpleasant.

Some describe this sensation as painful. However, pain in the face can also occur as an accompanying symptom. These can often be described more precisely than toothache or pain in the paranasal sinuses.Also in certain forms of migraine with aura, the patient suffers from numbness and pain in the face. Pain in the face is therefore an important accompanying symptom to find out the cause of the numbness.

The diagnosis

The diagnosis of numbness in the lip area is usually simple. The patient reports about these symptoms already in the anamnesis (medical history). During the physical examination the numb area can be more precisely defined.

In addition, the doctor can determine other neurological accompanying symptoms. This provides first indications of the cause of the sensory disorder. Depending on the cause, the physician will decide whether further examinations (e.g. laboratory examination, measurement of nerve conduction velocity, sectional imaging using CT or MRI) are necessary. Find out more about the topic: The sensitivity disorder.

The Therapy

The treatment of a numbness of the lip always depends on the underlying disease. It is therefore difficult to make generally valid statements, as the causes are also very diverse. They range from a stroke to psychosomatic complaints.

A stroke is an emergency. The patient must be treated immediately in a neurological clinic. In migraine, numbness is only an accompanying symptom.

Headaches can be treated with painkillers. In case of psychosomatic causes, stress reduction, relaxation techniques or psychotherapy are used in the treatment. In case of inflammation in the area of the sinuses with numbness, the infection must be treated with antibiotics as soon as possible.

If toothache occurs as an accompanying symptom, a presentation to the dentist is necessary. Depending on the cause of the toothache, the patient will be treated there accordingly. The treatment of a numbness in the lip is only effective if the cause is known. The treatment of numbness is therefore very complex.