Other accompanying symptoms | Toothache after drilling

Other accompanying symptoms

Very typical symptoms after reaming a tooth are chewing pains, which will be described later in this article. In addition, an increased sensitivity to hot and cold is often felt. These thermal stimuli trigger a pain.

There are, however, a number of other symptoms associated with this. The treated tooth often pinches and it feels as if it is standing too high. This is not unusual, as the body has to get used to the new situation for a few days.

In addition, a reddening or even an inflammation of the gums occurs from time to time. The trigger for this can be a contact allergy caused by the material used. Here in addition, a sensitivity to UV jets would be to be thought of here, since when putting a plastic filling a UV lamp is used.

Thus always also a part of the gums is also-exposed, which can blush and hurt then. It may be tried to treat the pain for two or three days by yourself. In addition, pain requires treatment (are pathological).

The cause should be found and eliminated by the dentist. Painkillers such as ibuprofen and paracetamol can temporarily help here (see: Ibuprofen for toothache). Very often it is also reported that cold and chewing cloves have a soothing effect.

Depending on the cause, rinsing with chamomile or another disinfecting agent can also help with gum problems. If these measures have no effect, the dentist should be consulted again. In this case, grinding or replacing the previously fabricated restoration will help.

Sometimes, however, the inflammation cannot be stopped without treatment. In this case the tooth can only be saved by a root canal treatment. In most cases, the tooth can be preserved in this way.

Duration – how long?

It is quite normal that after drilling on a tooth, toothache initially occurs. By using painkillers or home remedies, these usually subside after a short time. The duration varies from patient to patient, but after about two to three days there should be an improvement.

If this is not the case, you should visit your dentist again after one week at the latest. Otherwise the symptoms can increase considerably and cause root canal inflammation. In the worst case, this can lead to pus formation.