Other causes of red eyes | Eye drops for red eyes

Other causes of red eyes

The use of cannabinoids or marijuana can cause reddened eyes. These substances put the consumer into a frenzy. He experiences euphoric feelings and feels a certain lightness.

This state is also called “being high”. The consumption of marijuana can have many physical, psychological and social consequences. One indication of cannabis or marijuana use is often reddened eyes and dilated pupils.

Cannabinoids dilate the blood vessels throughout the body and thus lower blood pressure. The dilated blood vessels are supplied with more blood and are therefore more clearly visible in the white of the eyes. In addition, the red eyes are also caused by the smoke produced by drug use.

People who use marijuana know about this effect and therefore try to avoid red eyes when using drugs or to reduce their appearance. They also use different eye drops, which on the one hand additionally moisten the conjunctiva, and on the other hand, which contain the dilation of the pupils. They use drops to keep their eyes moist and thus avoid excessive irritation caused by the smoke produced during consumption.

In addition, cannabinoids may also have a dehydrating effect, so regular users of marijuana make sure that they drink enough to reduce the symptoms of red eyes. Anti-inflammatory eye drops, which are usually available only on prescription, can also help. Furthermore, marijuana users also use vasoconstrictive agents to treat red-eye after consumption.

They have exactly the opposite effect on the vessels and lead to a narrowing of the arteries in general. These substances include coffee, chocolate and salted foods. Cucumber slices or a damp towel can also provide relief.

The redness of the eyes usually goes away after some time, but it still occurs whenever you use cannabis or marijuana again. Contact lenses have been the more cosmetically attractive replacement for all spectacle wearers for some time now. They are available as dimensionally stable or soft contact lenses and also with corresponding correction of eye dysfunction.

The contact lenses float on the thin liquid film that wets the eye and keeps it moist. They therefore have no direct contact with the cornea. However, contact lenses can also lead to red eyes.

Red eyes may occur because contact lenses are still very new and the eyes have to get used to them. It can also be due to irritation caused by the contact lenses, or the insertion of contact lenses into the eye may also have carried away small particles of dust or dirt, which can irritate the eye and cause burning and itching in addition to reddened eyes. Contact lenses should therefore be well cleaned and placed in the eye with clean fingers.

If reddened eyes occur, the lenses can be removed and in most cases the redness will slowly disappear. Eye drops that moisten the eye and additionally combat bacteria can also be used. Tear substitutes are freely available in the drugstore and moisturizing eye drops can also be bought over the counter at the pharmacy.

In addition, contact lenses should be kept clean and free of foreign bodies such as dust or eyelashes. They are often kept in a container in a special contact lens fluid. This keeps them clean and protects them from damage.

If problems such as reddened eyes, itching or burning persist despite these measures and there is no improvement by using eye drops, you can ask your optician for advice. A consultation with an ophthalmologist can also provide information about other reasons for reddened eyes.