Other signs of pregnancy | Night sweats during pregnancy

Other signs of pregnancy

As classic (and frequent) signs of pregnancy, a strong feeling of warmth, uncomfortable breast tenderness and (mostly morning) nausea have been known for generations of women. These accompanying symptoms of pregnancy can occur just like the other signs mentioned below, but of course they do not have to. Every woman will perceive the changes in her body to a different degree and react to them with different sensitivities.

As safe signs of pregnancy one calls all those signs, which proceed directly from the unborn child and thus leave no other explanation than a pregnancy. As a rule, they are detectable later than the uncertain indications, but they are beyond any doubt. A sure sign of an existing pregnancy is, for example, the recognition of the implanted embryo by the gynaecologist using ultrasound (approximately from the 4th week of pregnancy).

Also the hearing of the fetal heartbeat, the feeling of the movements of the unborn child or the palpation of body parts (all from about the 18th week of pregnancy) are to be considered unmistakable signs. Less clear, but in most cases much faster, uncertain signs of pregnancy become apparent. These include, for example, nausea and changes in appetite with ravenous attacks of the expectant mother.

Many pregnant women also complain of dizziness and a strong feeling of tension in the breast, which can be accompanied by considerable pain in some cases. In some women, foremilk leaks from the breast well before the actual date of birth, which can also be seen as an uncertain sign of pregnancy. Pregnant women also have to go to the toilet more often.

Some feel tired or exhausted more quickly and show an increased need for sleep. Mood swings and headaches are also not uncommon during pregnancy. As the pregnancy progresses, there are also specific skin changes (e.g. on the nipples or on the belly), which can also be indications of an existing pregnancy.

Taken together, these indications are already quite suspicious in the case of possible conception. If there is no menstrual bleeding and a permanently elevated body temperature (rise in basal body temperature), a pregnancy test and a visit to a gynaecologist are recommended.