Outer ligament extension of the knee

The outer ligament of the knee joint (Ligamentum collaterale fibulare) is one of the most important ligaments of the knee joint and must therefore withstand correspondingly high loads. Overstretching of the outer ligament often occurs in certain ball sports and running and is usually very unpleasant for the persons affected. The injury is typically accompanied by knee pain and in most cases involves strict protection of the affected knee joint.

The outer ligament is then strained when a force acts on the knee from the inside and pushes it outwards. During this movement, the outer joint gap of the knee joint opens and the ligament is stretched. If there is any suspicion of a stretching of the external ligament, a medical examination is recommended so that the injury can be treated and the stability and function of the knee joint can be restored as quickly as possible.


Strain of the knee outer ligament is usually accompanied by typical symptoms. If the outer ligament has been overstretched, an involvement of the surrounding soft tissue structures cannot be ruled out due to the violent impact on the knee joint. In addition to the outer ligament, vessels, nerves, cartilage or bone structures can be damaged.

In the event of a stretching of the external ligament, a comprehensive diagnosis of the knee joint should always be performed so that any concomitant injuries are not overlooked. The symptoms that arise from overstretching the external ligament often cannot be precisely localized. In the foreground of the symptoms are a pressure pain on the outside of the knee joint and swelling of the knee.

A restriction in the mobility of the knee is also conspicuous in the case of an extension of the external ligament. If the lower leg is moved inwards, a stabbing pain in the knee is also frequently experienced. If other structures are affected by the force, bruising, open wounds or sensitivity disorders in the leg and foot can also occur.

Pain in the knee is at the forefront of the symptoms of an external ligament stretching. Depending on the extent and cause of the injury, the pain can occur at different points and during different movements of the knee joint. Especially when the pain occurs on the outside of the knee and when pressure is applied, the involvement of the outer ligament is to be suspected.

Even if the pain occurs during certain diagnostic tests, overstretching of the outer ligament is likely. If the pain occurs, for example, when the lower leg is moved towards the middle and the knee is fixed with one hand, an injury of the outer ligament is to be assumed. Other pains that occur in the knee can be attributed to the course of the accident and the impaired soft tissue structures. Especially if nerves were damaged during the injury, pain can occur at the knee and the affected leg. Furthermore, swelling of the knee can also lead to diffuse and difficult to localize pain in the joint.