Ovarian Cysts and Benign Overay Neoplasms: Classification

Ovarian tumors (ovarian tumors) are generally classified according to histologic (fine-tissue) appearance. Distinct from true ovarian tumors with autonomous growth are the tumor-like formations. The latter develop in preformed structures of the ovary and are called functional cysts or retention cysts. In addition to benign (benign) tumors, there are facultative malignant (malignant) (borderline tumors) and primary malignant. In this context, only the benign (benign) tumors are mentioned. The facultative malignant ones are marked with * . The classification is based on the WHO proposal of 1973, which, with minor modifications, is still valid. In this context, it is modified because borderline tumors and primary carcinomas were not considered.

  • Epithelial tumors (60% of all ovarian tumors).
    • Adenomatoid tumor
    • Brenner tumor (* extremely rare).
    • Endometrioid tumors*
    • Kystadenoma*
      • Kystadenofibroma (* seldom)
      • Mucinous kystadenoma* .
      • Surface papilloma*
      • Serous kystadenoma*
  • Germ cell tumors (about 20% of all ovarian tumors) 3-10% of all malignant ovarian tumors, 3% of all germ cell tumors are malignant
    • Gonadoblastoma (germinoma) (estrogen- or androgen-forming or silent)* .
    • Teratoma adultum
      • Dermoid cyst = cystic form
      • Solid form
      • Struma ovarii (facultative thyroxine-forming)* .
      • Carcinoid (facultative serotonin-forming).
  • Lipid cell tumor (adrenal remnant tumor, hypernephroid tumor) (scattered adrenal cortical tissue mostly in the ovarian hilus) (androgen-forming in 10%)* .
  • Stromal tumors of the germinal cord (germinal cord stromal tumors,tumors of the endocrine-differentiated gonadal mesenchyme (sex cord)) (8% of all ovarian tumors)
    • Androblastoma (arrhenoblastoma, Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor) (predominantly androgenogenic)* .
    • Fibroma (ovarian fibroma).
    • Granulosa cell tumor (estrogen-forming)* .
    • Gynandroblastoma (estrogen-forming or androgen-forming)*
    • Hilus cell tumor (usually androgen-forming)*
    • Luteoma gravidarum (pregnancy luteoma) (progesterone-producing).
    • Theca cell tumor (estrogen-forming)* .
  • Tumor-like diseases (functional cysts, retention cysts, so-called true ovarian cysts).