Ovarian Cysts and Benign Overay Neoplasms: Diagnostic Tests

Mandatory Medical Device Diagnostics.

  • Sonography (ultrasonography) of the pelvis (vaginal/through the vagina, abdominal/through the abdominal wall, both if necessary)

Optional medical device diagnostics – depending on the results of the history, physical examination and obligatory laboratory parameters – for differential diagnostic clarification.

Ovarian cysts and their cancer risk

  • A simple ovarian cyst on ultrasound represents a normal finding; occurrence in 23.8% of women younger than 50 years and in 13.4% of older examined; simple ovarian cyst does not represent a malignancy (cancer) risk.
  • In the presence of a complex cyst and solid space (local circumscribed increase in endogenous tissue) on ultrasound, there is a significant risk of carcinoma development.