Overweight (Obesity): Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Congenital malformations, deformities, and chromosomal abnormalities (Q00-Q99).

  • Klinefelter syndrome – genetic disorder with mostly sporadic inheritance: numerical chromosomal aberration (aneuploidy) of the sex chromosomes (gonosomal anomaly) occurring only in boys or Men occurs; in the majority of cases characterized by a supernumerary X chromosome (47, XXY); clinical picture: large stature and testicular hypoplasia (small testis), caused by hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (gonadal hypofunction); usually spontaneous onset of puberty, but poor pubertal progress.
  • Laurence-Moon-Biedl-Bardet syndrome (LMBBS) – rare genetic disorder with autosomal recessive inheritance; according to clinical symptoms is differentiated into:
    • Laurence-Moon syndrome (without polydactyly, i.e., without the appearance of supernumerary fingers or toes, and obesity, but with paraplegia (paraplegia) and muscle hypotonia/reduced muscle tone) and
    • Bardet-Biedl syndrome (with polydactyly, obesity and peculiarities of the kidneys).
  • Pseudohypoparathyroidism (synonym: Martin-Albright syndrome) – genetic disorder with autosomal dominant inheritance; symptoms of hypoparathyroidism (parathyroidism) without a deficiency of parathyroid hormone (PTH) in the blood: depending on the appearance, four types are distinguished:
    • Type Ia: simultaneously exists an Albright osteodystrophy: brachymetacarpy (shortening of single or multiple metacarpal bones) and -tarsia (shortening of single or multiple metatarsal bones), round face, short stature.
    • Type Ib; as in type 1a, there is renal PTH resistance, resistance to other hormones, especially thyrotropin are also possible; there is no Albright osteodystrophy
    • Type Ic: identical to type 1a, except that receptor-independent cAMP production is preserved in vitro.
    • Type II: probably several subtypes, Albright osteodystrophy is not present.
  • Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS; synonyms: Prader-Labhard-Willi-Fanconi syndrome, Urban syndrome and Urban-Rogers-Meyer syndrome) – genetic disease with autosomal dominant inheritance, which occurs in approximately 1: 10,000 to 1: 20,000 births; characteristic include. Among other things, a pronounced overweight in the absence of a sense of satiety, short stature and intelligence reduction; in the course of life, diseases such as diabetes mellitus type 2 occur due to obesity.
  • Stewart-Morel-Morgagni syndrome (Morgagni-Stewart syndrome) – genetic disease with autosomal-dominant or X-linked recessive inheritance, which is associated with frontal hyperostosis (thickening of the inner plate of the frontal bone) and, if necessary. associated with obesity (overweight) and virilization (masculinization, i.e. expression of male sexual characteristics or a male phenotype in a genetically female individual); affected are predominantly females.

Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00-E90).

Neoplasms – tumor diseases (C00-D48).

Psyche – nervous system (F00-F99; G00-G99)


  • Alcohol consumption
  • Gravidity (pregnancy)
  • Nicotine cessation
  • Condition after surgery in the area of the diencephalon (hypothalamic region) mostly after tumor removal.


  • See “Causes” under medications