Oxidative Stress: Antioxidant Test, d-ROM Test and BAP Test

Modern laboratory diagnostics enable both early detection of diseases and timely therapy, thus contributing to your health.
A simple blood test can provide certainty about the balance between oxidative free radical load and antioxidant potential:

d-ROMs test: oxidative stress test. The d-ROMs test indicates the level of free radical exposure and provides information about the body’s overall health status. A status that is largely dependent on the rhythm of biological oxidation. The values of the d-ROMs test are an infallible “mirror” of oxidative processes and provide information about the rate of the physiological aging process.

BAP test: Biological Antioxidant Potential. The BAP value provides information about the state of the body’s antioxidant defense system against free radicals. The test demonstrates how well the body is able to render free radicals harmless in order to protect itself from damage. At the same time, any deficiency of antioxidants is detected.

d-ROMs test: Free radicals, mostly oxygen radicals, react with organic molecules in the body, producing so-called ROMs (Reactive Oxygen Metabolites) as by-products. ROMs are relatively more stable than their precursors, the free radicals, and have a medium oxidative potential. A major component of ROMs is hydroperoxides, which can be determined by the d-ROMs test due to their special properties. In the presence of a transition metal, which acts as a catalyst, these hydroperoxides in turn generate free radicals, which are “captured” with a chromogen for measurement. Based on the available scientific publications, the d-ROMs test, in the context of its determination, has been tested in almost all relevant fields of human medicine.

BAP test: The BAP test allows a reliable determination of the antioxidant potential, the part of the plasma barrier directly affected by oxidation, due to its involved reduction/oxidation potentials under “physiological” conditions. In blood, the so-called antioxidant plasma barrier guarantees defense against harmful attacks by reactive species and especially against free radicals. This barrier has both exogenous – e.g. vitamins C, E, carotenoids, bioflavonoids etc.- and endogenous – e.g. proteins, bilirubin, uric acid, cholesterol, GSH etc. – components. Each of these components has its own antioxidant potential (or capacity). Depending on their reduction/oxidation potential, they can counteract the attacks of reactive species in different ways. Such a capacity is linked to the ability of individual components from the plasma barrier to donate so-called reduction equivalents to free radicals – that is, either electrons or H atoms – and thus to prevent dissociation of H atoms from biomolecules that initiate a radical chain reaction. In fact, any violation of the “antioxidant plasma barrier” can result in oxidative damage to cells and tissues.