

Formation of oxytocin: The hormone oxytocin is a hormone of the posterior pituitary gland (neurohypophysis), which as a peptide hormone belongs to the neuropeptides. Neuropeptides are hormones produced in nerve cells. Oxytocin is produced in special nuclei (nucleus = nucleus) of the hypothalamus (nucleus paraventricularis, nucleus supraopticus) by nerve cells and is transported from there to the pituitary posterior lobe where it is bound to a carrier substance (neurophysin I), where the hormone is stored.

When stimulated, the hormone is released from the posterior pituitary gland. The oxytocin receptor is located on the cell surface. In women during and after pregnancy, this hormone is released by the stimulus of sucking on the nipple and by mechanical pressure on the uterus and vagina.

The mechanical stimulus is converted into a contraction movement of the uterus via the release of oxytocin. In this way, contractions and birth are initiated with the help of the hormone and the baby is expelled. The likewise mechanical sucking stimulus also results in the release of oxytocin. This oxytocin in turn acts on special muscle cells of the mammary gland (myoepithelial cells) so that these contract due to the hormone action and milk is drained. This entire process initiated by the hormone is called the milk ejection reflex.


In women during or after pregnancy, the hormone oxytocin is used to inject milk (milk ejection) and induce contractions and the subsequent birth process. Men also have oxytocin, although its function has not been fully clarified. The hormone is discussed to be involved in the ejaculation of semen.

In both sexes the hormone has other influences, including on blood pressure. Mood and behaviour are also controlled by oxytocin. It promotes the mother’s emotional attachment to the child and to her partner, as the hormone is released during orgasm and when touched, such as stroking. For this reason, Oxytocin is also called the “cuddling hormone”.

What effect does oxytocin have on men?

Oxytocin was long known as the “female hormone”. This is because it can trigger contractions and milk flow and strengthen the mother-child bond. However, it also has many other effects that it exerts on both sexes, some of which have not yet been fully studied.

However, all effects of oxytocin on men have not yet been fully studied.

  • Oxytocin plays an important role in the formation and maintenance of social relationships. It is released, for example, when stroking or orgasm and provides well-being, calm and confidence.
  • In addition, it should be able to strengthen loyalty to a partner, improve the control of impulses and support the level-headed handling of conflicts.

    This effect can also be seen in men.

  • However, some studies have also shown an increased willingness to be aggressive. There is evidence that this effect is more pronounced in men than in women.
  • In addition, oxytocin causes contraction of the seminal tubules and probably also of the prostate in men. This is important for ejaculation during orgasm.