Oxytoxic home remedies | Contraceptive means

Oxytoxic home remedies

In addition to the food that promotes labor, there is a whole range of home remedies and measures that are said to be able to promote labor. For example, walking or climbing stairs can push the baby’s head further into the pool. This can help trigger the contractions.

However, overexertion of the body should be avoided, as this tends to have a negative effect on the contractions. Another measure that may help induce labour is massaging the nipples. The stimulus on the nipple causes the hormone oxytocin to be released, which plays a major role in the contractions.

However, such a massage should not be used for a longer period of time so that the sensitive skin on the nipples is not irritated. A short bath in warm, not too hot water can help the uterus to start the contractions by relaxing the pelvic muscles. The temperature of the bath water should be about 38 degrees Celsius.

In addition, you should not bathe alone or unattended, as the warm water can have an effect on the circulation. Other relaxation methods, such as a foot reflexology massage or a stomach massage can also trigger the contractions.