Oxytoxic home remedies

The first contractions already occur during pregnancy and manifest themselves as a kind of abdominal pain that comes in waves and goes again. Shortly before birth, the contractions occur with high intensity and frequency and initiate the birth. The pain is then very strong and the expectant mothers know that now the birth is imminent.

In some cases, however, contractions occur very late, so that the birth initiation is delayed. This is also known as transmission. In addition, some women may have weakness in labor, where the contractions are not strong and frequent enough to induce labor.

This can have various reasons, such as caesarean sections in the past. Therefore, many women in pregnancy ask themselves the question whether they can actively participate in the development of the contractions. The question of household remedies that promote labor pains is always a focus of interest, as many pregnant women want natural support for their contractions.

These home remedies can promote contractions

Birth naturally takes place at the end of the 40th week of pregnancy. Births which take place earlier are called premature births. If you want to use home remedies that promote labor pains, this is not recommended before the end of the pregnancy.

If the cervix is still immature, this can lead to complications. In any case, you should always consult your gynaecologist and the midwife to ensure that the birth is carried out without complications. Since some home remedies can trigger contractions very effectively, they should never be used at home, but only under the supervision of medical personnel.

These include above all the contraction cocktail, which contains castor oil as the active ingredient. Its effectiveness is based primarily on the laxative effect of castor oil. Therefore, other laxatives should not be used at home to trigger contractions.

Other household remedies effective in labor include warm baths, acupuncture, massages and herbal teas. However, these measures should also only be taken in consultation with the maternity clinic in charge. Light exercise also promotes labor and is highly recommended a few days before the calculated date of birth.

This includes walks and relaxed walking. Sport and excessive stair climbing, on the other hand, should be avoided before the birth – in contrast to what is often recommended in various Internet forums. Tea that promotes labor pains is very popular with pregnant women in the last week of pregnancy.

They are a natural method of preparing for the birth and help to adjust to the birth both mentally and physically. Most formulations for labor-inducing teas contain cinnamon, cloves, ginger or raspberry herb. These ingredients can be combined as desired and boiled with hot water to make a tea.

The tea can then be drunk throughout the day in small sips, provided it tastes good and is well tolerated. Whether the tea really promotes contractions is not quite clear, but it seems that the tea’s calming effect is the main factor that promotes contractions. Especially a reduction of stress and a positive mental attitude towards the birth promote contractions, because the hormone oxytocin, which promotes contractions, is released more often.

In some clinics, a contraceptive cocktail is used to induce labour in the case of a delayed start of labour, provided that there is no contraindication. This cocktail often contains cinnamon. Cinnamon not only tastes good and superimposes the unpleasant taste of castor oil, but it also appears to promote contractions.

However, this only applies to contractions that are already imminent or light contractions. With cinnamon, however, birth cannot be induced. For cinnamon to be effective, the cervix must already be ripe for birth.

One should therefore not try to induce a birth with cinnamon. Nothing speaks however against it at the end of the pregnancy to drink cinnamon-containing teas, since these have apart from the easily blow-promoting effect also a reassuring effect. The calmer and more patient one approaches the birth, the more often a good birth is possible.

Stress and fear, on the other hand, inhibit the contractions. There are some foods that are said to have a contraction-promoting effect. However, it is often difficult to prove this effect.

Especially ginger, cinnamon, raspberry leaves and cloves seem to have a contraction-promoting effect.Usually they are used to make a tea or brew, which is then drunk in sips throughout the day in the last days before the calculated date of birth. Whether this really promotes contractions is not proven, however. Castor oil, however, seems to have a strong contraction-promoting effect.

On the one hand, the laxative effect is responsible for this, but on the other hand, there are also direct effects on the cervix. Castor oil, however, should not be used as a household remedy for promoting labor pains. The risk of complications is too high.

These include, for example, strong contractions when the cervix is still immature or the child is in an impossible position to be born. One should be careful with homeopathic remedies and herbal substances, especially during pregnancy. In everyday life, there is of course nothing to be said against taking a supportive, homeopathic treatment, but during pregnancy this behaves differently.

During pregnancy, only medicines that are proven to be safe for the unborn child should be used. For example, many homeopathic remedies contain allergens or alcohol, which can be dangerous during pregnancy. However, if you should definitely want to take advantage of homeopathic contractions, it is essential to discuss this with the midwife in charge and the specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics.

In obstetrics, there is the possibility of taking advantage of acupuncture treatment in preparation for childbirth. This can have various positive effects on the forthcoming birth. On the one hand, it can relieve anxiety and stress, and on the other hand, it can also stimulate contractions.

The stress- and anxiety-relieving effect should not be underestimated. Stress prevents the release of the contraction-promoting hormone oxytocin, which can directly inhibit contractions. The current state of studies, however, is inconclusive as to whether acupuncture can really help to delay the duration of birth and promote contractions.

In some studies positive effects can be proven, but in others not. However, a harmful effect does not seem to be feared if acupuncture is performed by professionals. Warm baths can stimulate blood circulation and promote labor.

During pregnancy, however, the midwife and gynecologist should be consulted beforehand, as hot baths are not always recommended. Especially at the end of the pregnancy hot baths can also be bad for the circulation and thus reduce the well-being of the pregnant woman. Very hot temperatures above 34 degrees Celsius should be avoided at all costs, as blood pressure can drop due to the dilatation of the vessels.

Furthermore, dizziness can occur, which increases the risk of accidents when getting out of the tub. Too long bathing should also be avoided for the reasons mentioned. However, there is nothing to be said against warm baths of about 10 to 15 minutes to relax and promote contractions towards the end of pregnancy.

In connection with the topic of “contraction-promoting home remedies”, one hears time and again about castor oil, which has proven itself especially in the so-called contraction cocktail. Castor oil has a strong laxative effect and also seems to stimulate special binding sites at the cervix – so-called receptors. Thus castor oil can strengthen or even trigger contractions.

However, one should definitely refrain from using castor oil as a household remedy. Castor oil is usually used as a component of the contraction cocktail under obstetrical supervision in maternity clinics. When the cervix is mature, in some cases a natural birth initiation can be achieved in this way.

However, castor oil can cause serious complications if the cervix is not mature or if the child is in a position that is impossible for a natural birth – for example a transverse position. Ginger is also frequently recommended as a household remedy that promotes labor. Grated or pressed, ginger is a popular ingredient in some recipes as part of the contraction cocktail.

The intense taste of ginger overshadows the rather unpleasant taste of castor oil and makes it easier for pregnant women to drink the contraction cocktail. However, ginger can also be taken in teas to stimulate contractions. The contraction stimulating effect is quite weak, so no complications are to be expected when drinking the tea. Drinking ginger tea shortly before the birth can still have a very relaxing and calming effect, making it easier to prepare for the upcoming birth.