Pacemaker | Atrial fibrillation therapy


Pacemakers are used, for example, to treat a slow heart rate or atrial fibrillation. The pacemaker provides the heart with regular electrical stimulation, which prevents the occurrence of atrial fibrillation. Whether a pacemaker is necessary depends on the cause of the atrial fibrillation.


Cardiac ablation is a treatment in which surplus or diseased excitation foci are sclerosed in order to permanently eliminate cardiac arrhythmias. During ablation, heat or cold is used to create scars in the heart muscle tissue in order to stop the muscle excitation that causes additional unhealthy excitation. Ablation is used on the heart in the case of atrial fibrillation when the cardiac arrhythmia does not improve despite drug therapy. It benefits patients for whom conventional drugs do not help to restore normal heart rhythm.

Heart catheter

Cardiac catheterization is a procedure that can reveal pathological changes in the coronary arteries, heart valves and heart muscle. A thin plastic tube, the cardiac catheter, is inserted over blood vessels in the groin or arm and advanced to the heart. With the cardiac catheter one has the possibility to measure electrical activities in detail in case of excitation disorders. A cardiac catheter examination can help to assess the heart in the case of atrial fibrillation and provides possibilities for minimally invasive treatment, e.g. with ablation, then we speak of “catheter ablation”.

Alternative therapies to atrial fibrillation

The treatment of atrial fibrillation is the subject of current research and is constantly evolving. For a few years now, it has been possible to treat persistent and seizure-like atrial fibrillation with ablation therapy (sclerotherapy) to eliminate the origin of the atrial fibrillation when drugs no longer help. In this procedure, high-frequency current (so-called radiofrequency ablation) is used to set specific sclerotherapy points in order to eliminate the ciliary waves in atrial fibrillation, namely in the muscles of the pulmonary veins near the atrium (so-called pulmonary vein isolation, PVI).

Since 2014, there has been another innovative method for the treatment of paroxysmal (seizure-like) and persistent (persistent) atrial fibrillation, the so-called pulmonary vein isolation with cryoballoon. This therapy for atrial fibrillation has proven to be safe and effective. Instead of a high-frequency current, cold ablation is used to achieve better clinical efficacy.

Self-medication is generally not recommended for atrial fibrillation. If you wish to use globules in addition to or instead of medication, you should discuss this with your family doctor and cardiologist.With atrial fibrillation the heart beats too fast, so that Tabacum (D30, 2x daily 8 globules) in combination Cactus (D3 3x daily 8 globules) can have a positive effect on the heartbeat according to alternative practitioners. It does no harm to also reduce the risk factors for atrial fibrillation.

Diabetes is considered a major risk factor, which means that it is beneficial to keep blood sugar levels low. The same applies to high blood pressure, as a permanently elevated blood pressure damages the heart and blood vessels. Homeopathic globules against high blood pressure are Aurum metallicum and Arnica.

In order to lower the blood sugar level, e.g. in diabetes mellitus, homeopathy likes to take Syzygium jambolanum. Nevertheless, atrial fibrillation is a serious disease that requires medical treatment. For cardiac arrhythmia such as atrial fibrillation, Schüßler Salt No.

7 Magnesium phosphoricum is used. This is done by adding 10 small balls of Schuessler Salt about 100 ml of hot but not boiling water in a cup and drinking it in sips. It should be taken in the morning and evening 10 pieces each. In the case of atrial fibrillation, the therapy should be discussed with the family doctor and cardiologist.