Pain at night or after getting up | Pain in the auricle

Pain at night or after getting up

If the pain on the auricle occurs at night, or after getting up, the cause may be embarrassment. Especially if alcohol was involved in the evening, the body’s pain sensation is reduced. Therefore, we do not notice if we bend our ears all night long, or otherwise strain them.

Only the next morning the auricle hurts, and possibly also the head. The good thing about it is that this pain passes away. But even without alcohol consumption, our ears sometimes hurt at night when we sleep on them for a long time.

Softer pillows, or sometimes less pillows, are a remedy. In the case of an inflammation of the cartilaginous membrane of the auricle (“perichondritis”), the auricle is subjected to additional stress at night due to the weight of the head. In this case, only the softest possible and padded bandages on the ear will help until healing is complete.