Pain at the dental implant | The dental implant

Pain at the dental implant

The warranty that the dentist must guarantee for the work performed is 2 years. Since experience shows that many dental restorations fortunately last much longer, an implant, provided it is well cared for, can happily last over 20 years. Nevertheless, it is subject to natural wear and tear, which is accelerated by too much or incorrect loading.

The bone changes over the years and this can lead to an implant becoming insufficient. Pain is often related to incorrect or excessive loading or inflammation. The exact cause and treatment therapy should be clarified quickly with the dentist to preserve the implant despite its age.

What to do if the dental implant is inflamed?

Whether a tooth or an implant is painful, you should visit your dentist to clarify the cause.The implant is at least as important as a real tooth root, and requires even better care. Unfortunately, implants can also cause spontaneous inflammation, despite very good oral hygiene. Once the implant is inflamed, one can treat this inflammation and try to get it under control.

Depending on the severity of the inflammation, cleaning may be sufficient. If the inflammation is advanced, a more thorough cleaning is necessary. This includes rinsing with antibacterial rinsing solutions and cleaning the implant with special instruments that are less hard than the implant itself so as not to damage the dental implant.

In severe cases, depending on the depth of the gingival pocket that has formed around the implant, the gum must be surgically opened and cleaned under direct vision. If necessary, depending on whether and which bacteria are responsible for the inflammation, the inflammation can first be treated systemically with medication (e.g. antibiotics). The treatment is similar to the treatment of periodontitis. However, the prognosis of an inflamed implant is less good than if it were a natural tooth root with periodontal apparatus, because the immune system of the natural periodontal gap is missing.