Pain during birthmark removal | Remove birthmark

Pain during birthmark removal

Depending on the chosen method, the removal of moles can be painful in different ways. Moles are usually cut out under local anesthesia, which guarantees freedom from pain during cutting and suturing. If the effect of the local anesthetic wears off, depending on the size and location of the birthmark, slight to moderate pain may occur, which should subside after a few days. Laser treatment usually does not require local anesthesia and the treatment is more likely to be perceived as slightly painful by a small number of patients.

Costs of birthmark removal

If the dermatologist suspects that a birthmark could be malignant, the costs of removal are covered by health insurance. If there is no medical reason for the removal of the birthmark, but a purely cosmetic one, then the costs for the removal must be paid by the patient himself. If the removal is done for cosmetic reasons, then lasering is usually the method of choice, since optically more beautiful results with minimal scarring are achieved. The prices vary from practice to practice, so it may be worthwhile to inquire at several practices. The price per birthmark is between 20 and 60 Euros, but the price depends on the practice, the method used and other factors.

Scars after birthmark removal

When removing moles, a basic distinction is made between two procedures, cutting out and laser removal. Cutting out is the older and conventional method and the procedure of choice when a birthmark is removed with suspected malignancy. With this method, unlike laser removal, the tissue remains intact and can be examined histologically for malignant changes.

Depending on its size and elevation, the scarring can be very different. Large moles that are slightly raised are removed generously and a slight hollow can develop. However, suturing techniques are very advanced nowadays, so a good dermatologist can minimize the scar. With modern laser technology, scarring is even less likely to occur, but this procedure can only be used if the removal is for cosmetic reasons and the birthmark is not suspected to be malignant.