Pain during sexual intercourse | What are the symptoms of uterus prolapse?

Pain during sexual intercourse

Lowering the uterus can cause discomfort and pain during intercourse. Due to a weakness of the supporting apparatus of the uterus, the uterus and the vagina shift downwards. If the man penetrates into the woman during sexual intercourse, the affected persons feel a pulling pain in the abdomen.

The pain during sex is not only very unpleasant, but also puts a strain on the relationship. Through exercises to build up the pelvic floor muscles, the uterus can be partially repositioned and the pain disappears. In severe cases, the uterus can also be brought back into its original position by a surgical procedure.

Increase of symptoms with heavy carrying

The accompanying symptoms of uterine prolapse worsen under physical exertion and when carrying heavy objects. Heavy carrying causes the abdominal muscles to become tense and the pressure in the abdominal and pelvic area increases. As a result, the pressure on the pelvic organs also increases, which increases the pain in the abdomen and back. A so-called stress incontinence can also occur during heavy carrying due to the lowering of the uterus. This causes urine to leak unintentionally.


If the uterus is prolapsed, incontinence can occur at the same time. The lowered uterus can press on the bladder and cause the symptoms. Particularly during physical exertion or coughing, there is an increase in pressure in the abdomen, which can spontaneously cause a small amount of urine to pass. This is known as stress incontinence. Regular exercises strengthen the pelvic floor and cause the incontinence to disappear.

Increased urge to urinate

The lowering can cause the uterus to lie down in such a way that it exerts increased pressure on the bladder. This causes the women concerned to feel an increased urge to urinate. In severe cases of pelvic floor weakness, it is also possible that not only the uterus but also the bladder is displaced or sinks. In addition to the increased urge to urinate, typical symptoms are problems urinating, stress incontinence or urinary retention when complete emptying of the bladder is no longer possible.