Pain | Exercises against a mouse arm


Pain is the main symptom of a mouse arm.They mainly affect the hand, wrist and forearm – but can also occur in the shoulder and neck area. The pain creeps in slowly, so that many affected people ignore it at first. The fatal thing about it is that the already overstrained hand is not spared in order to recover.

Fine tears develop in the tissue of the tendon attachment, which spread further and further in the course of time. As a result, if the hand is not spared, a chronic irritation of tendons, muscles, ligaments and the tissue occurs. These chronic pain stimuli, in turn, trigger a change in the perception of pain in the spinal cord: whereas initially the pain only occurs when there is actual strain, pain signals are later sent to the brain even without strain. The pain is intensified by: In addition to pain can occur:

  • Chronic Stress
  • A workplace that is not ergonomically designed
  • An unhealthy posture
  • Sensations like numbness or tingling
  • Loss of strength
  • Coordination difficulties in the arms, hands and fingers occur

Alternative measures

The homeopathic remedy Ruta (rue) has proven to be effective in a mouse arm. It helps against overstrain syndromes, tendon inflammation or injuries to the periosteum, among other things. Treatment with leeches can also help: they have a relaxing, anti-inflammatory effect and stimulate the blood circulation. Acupuncture, especially ear acupuncture with permanent needles, can also reduce pain. Comprehensive information about “acupuncture” can be found in this article.


A mouse arm develops as a result of chronic overuse or incorrect strain and affects most occupational groups that work a lot while sitting at the computer. Pain develops, which can often be ignored at the beginning – but in the course of time becomes increasingly severe and increasingly restricts mobility and strength in the affected extremity. Treatment should begin as early as possible so that the affected extremity is spared and can heal.

Stretching exercises, physical and physiotherapeutic applications and short-term painkillers provide support. Workplace adaptation by an experienced occupational therapist and behavioral training are essential to eliminate the causes of the mouse arm and prevent its recurrence.