Pain in the HWS

Pain in the cervical spine in the area of the neck is probably known by almost everyone. This can be a pulling, a feeling of pain, a restriction of movement or a feeling of tension similar to a sore muscle. The causes and duration of the problems vary, but those affected often feel severely restricted in their everyday life and general well-being. Even home remedies and painkillers do not always bring the desired improvement, so it makes sense to get to the bottom of the cause of the problems and ask a specialist for help.


Due to the very complex structure of the cervical spine with its muscles, tendons, ligaments, vertebrae and intervertebral discs, it is very susceptible to injuries of all kinds. These can be tensions, but also malpositions of the vertebrae or larger injuries, for example after a trauma. The cause is not always apparent at first glance, so it is important for the attending physician to describe exactly what the problems are and how they arise, so that he can initiate the appropriate measures (e.g. X-ray, MRI, ultrasound, physiotherapy).

Among the most common causes of pain in the cervical spine are Blockages in the cervical spine Tensions Whiplash degenerative (degenerative) changes in the cervical spine (facet arthrosis) Herniated disc Cervical spine syndrome (a series of symptoms that are part of the development of the clinical picture) In any case, it is very important in cases of persistent pain or tension to initiate the necessary countermeasures (doctor, physiotherapy) to counteract a chronic development. Depending on the cause, a number of other symptoms can also be a burden to the affected person. Untreated tension leads to a relieving posture and thus to further tension, which can also pinch nerves and cause sensations of discomfort. However, other symptoms that initially appear to have nothing to do with the cervical spine can also occur.

  • Blockages in the cervical spine
  • Tensions
  • Whiplash
  • Degenerative (degenerative) changes of the cervical spine (facet arthrosis)
  • Slipped disc
  • Cervical spine syndrome (a series of symptoms that belong to the development of the disease pattern)