Pain in the palatal arch | Palatal arch

Pain in the palatal arch

Pain in the palatal arch is often very unpleasant and hinders everyday functions such as speaking or swallowing. Mostly the pain has quite harmless causes. However, if they persist for several days, a doctor should be consulted.

There are a variety of causes for pain in the palatal arches: burns caused by too hot food can be very painful, but usually heal easily. Even a simple cold (rhinitis) affecting the mucous membranes of the palatal arch can cause pain. This occurs especially when the body is fighting against the infection with an inflammation.

Less harmless pathogens such as streptococci, influenza viruses, Eppstein-Barr viruses (triggering the whistling glandular fever) or scarlet fever pathogens can also lead to an inflammation. Especially in people with a weakened immune system, fungi can also trigger this reaction. Another reason for pain in the palatal arch can be infestation by herpes zoster viruses.

This is often accompanied by blistering. In addition, people with allergies can have an inflammatory reaction to the allergy trigger and thus pain. Particularly painful are often also encapsulated pus accumulations (abscess on the palate) in the area of the palatal arches.

These are often the result of a long-lasting inflammation or injury. In rare cases, nerve pain (neuralgia) can also occur. The pain is often seizure-like and very severe. They remain unilateral, but radiate into other areas of the head. In rare cases, a malignant tumor is also the cause of permanent pain in the palatal arches.

What role does the palatal arch play in braces?

In connection with braces, the word palatal arch usually has a different meaning than in anatomy. Here it describes a wire bow that is inserted between the large molars. This type of palatal arch is also called palatal arch and can be part of the treatment of a fixed brace.

The palatal arch is used to fix the big molars. It ensures that the distance between these teeth remains the same. Since a palatal arch can press on the palate, it is felt as unpleasant, especially in the first days after insertion.