Pain in the right abdomen due to gallstones | Pain on the right side of the body

Pain in the right abdomen due to gallstones

Gallstones occur particularly frequently in a specific population group.This group is defined by the “6 F’s”: female, fair (blonde, light skin type), fourty, fertile, fat, family (same disease in others in the family). However, people who do not meet all of these criteria may also suffer from gallstones. Bile is used in the body to metabolize fatty substances and excrete fat-soluble waste products.

Gallstones can obstruct the bile ducts or lie in the gall bladder itself. This leads to an inflammation of the bile ducts or gall bladder, which is painful. Often the pain is colicky (wavy) and gets worse over time.

At the coccyx

Pain in the coccyx is normally caused by a fall on the buttocks. The coccyx is usually very poorly padded and therefore relatively unprotected. Therefore, falls on it usually leave a very painful memory for a few days.

Normally, these disappear again after some time. In the case of violent falls, the coccyx can be bruised or broken. Then it may be advisable to consult a doctor. This is usually treated only with painkillers. Surgical therapy for the coccyx only makes sense in very rare cases.

Liver Pain

The liver is located in the right upper abdomen just below the ribs. Even with liver diseases, pain is rarely experienced at first. Only when the disease is so advanced that the volume of the liver increases, does pain occur.

In this case, the capsule that protects the liver is stretched and causes the symptoms. A disease that typically causes symptoms rather suddenly is inflammation of the liver. This is usually caused by viruses and can be either acute or chronic.

Regular consumption of alcohol makes the liver fatty. Even then it can expand over time. Other causes can be parasites or worms.

Pain in the right arm

Pain in the right arm is usually caused by accidents. This can cause injuries to the joints (wrist, elbow, shoulder). There, the ligaments are mostly affected, sometimes also muscles.

Of course, bone fractures or bruises are also possible. Pain due to heart problems (e.g. heart attack) is not typical for the right arm, as it usually radiates to the left arm. Pain in the right arm can also be caused by pinching the nerves that supply the arm. Possible causes are also a congestion in the bloodstream or in the drainage of lymph fluid.