Pain in the sciatica | Physiotherapy for back pain during pregnancy

Pain in the sciatica

The sciatic nerve is a thick nerve that emerges from the spinal cord in the lumbosacral region and supplies the lower extremity with sensitive and motoric energy. It runs through the gluteal region and can be influenced by changes in the lumbar but also in the pelvic region. Due to pregnancy-related hyperlordosis (hollow back), nerve irritation can occur.Irritation of the nerve can cause pain, sensory disturbances or muscle weakness in the corresponding supply area. Increased kyphotic (bent) posture in the lumbar spine can prevent compression of the nerve and relieve symptoms. In the case of severe complaints, the causes of nerve irritation should be clarified by a doctor.


Back pain during pregnancy is caused on the one hand by increased mechanical stress on the active support system – the muscles, and on the passive support system – tendons, ligaments, joints, which is due to the additional weight of the growing child. On the other hand, the pelvis of the pregnant woman changes in the sense of a preparation for the forthcoming birth. The structures there dilate and loosen, which can lead to stretching pain and pain caused by instability.

Balanced gymnastics with strengthening and mobilizing components can prevent pain or alleviate existing pain. Warmth and massage grips also often help with back pain during pregnancy.