Pain in the shoulder | Pain with pneumonia

Pain in the shoulder

Pain in the shoulder can have various causes. Often, especially in the case of pain on both sides, it is merely the harmless pain in the limbs, as is often the case in pneumonia with fever. If necessary, this can be treated with painkillers.

For example, ibuprofen or paracetamol are suitable. In addition to this rather harmless cause, pleurisy can also be the cause of the pain. Inflammation of the pleura can occur as a concomitant disease in pneumonia, but also in bronchitis.

Severe, breath-dependent pain occurs mainly in the early stages, in the so-called dry form. Later this can change into the moist form. Then the breath-dependent pain subsides, because the skins of the coat no longer rub against each other, but the increasingly forming fluid can cause problems. This fluid is called pleural effusion, it can displace the lungs, make breathing difficult and also irritate the phrenic nerve, which can lead to shoulder pain. If this is suspected to be the cause of the shoulder pain, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible to discuss how to proceed.

Pain when coughing

Pain when coughing is a relatively common phenomenon in the context of pneumonia. It is particularly common when coughing for a long time. The pain can occur deep in the throat or in the chest.

Then it is often an irritation of the mucous membranes in the throat and windpipe. Pain can also occur in the area of the ribs up to the abdomen during the cough. These are mostly muscular and are an expression of the unusual muscular effort. If the pain is severe, painkillers can also be taken here.

Pain in the ribs

Pain on or between the ribs is often muscular pain. The musculature between the ribs is stressed strongly and unusually when coughing for a long time. This results in symptoms of fatigue, which manifest themselves in the form of sore muscles.

A pinched nerve can also be a trigger for the pain. These forms of pain are harmless and usually require no treatment. However, pain in the ribs when breathing in and out can again indicate pleurisy. In this case a doctor should be consulted again.