Pain in the spine

Synonyms in a broader sense

Spinal pain, back pain, low back pain, dorsalgia, lumbalgia, lumbago, lumboischialgia Spinal pain can have very different causes (please also see our topic: Causes of back pain). Of importance in the search for the right diagnosis are

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Accident event
  • Type and quality of pain (sharp, dull etc. )
  • Pain development (slow, sudden, etc.


  • Pain occurrence (at rest, after/with stress)
  • Place of pain
  • External aspects (swelling, redness etc. )
  • And much more.

In the following descriptions of diseases we will try to address as many characteristics as possible that make up a particular clinical picture. Unfortunately, there are many deviations from the norm, so that the presumed self-diagnosis need not be correct.

We hope, however, that our self-diagnostic will be able to help patients who search the Internet for an organ- or symptom-related disease. A distinction is made for pain in the spinal column between: Ultimately, however, only a specialist examination and, if necessary, additional imaging procedures (X-ray, MRI) can provide information about the extent and cause of the pain.

  • Pain of the vertebral joints
  • Pain of the intervertebral disc

The human spine consists of a total of 32-33 vertebrae (vertebrae). It is composed of: The curvature of the spine:

  • 7Neck vertebrae of the so-called cervical spine
  • 12 thoracic vertebrae of the so-called thoracic spine
  • 5Lumbar vertebrae of the lumbar spine
  • 5Cross and rump vertebrae
  • Lordosis in the area of the cervical and lumbar spine
  • Kyphosis in the field of BWS

About the diagnostic agent

The use of our “self” diagnostic tool is simple. Just follow the link offered for the location and description of the symptoms that best fits your symptoms. Pay attention to where the pain is greatest in the shoulder joint.