Pain therapy | Pain on the mother ligaments

Pain therapy

The first step in treating the pain in the mother ligaments is to avoid triggering factors such as certain movements and excessive strain. Then regular relaxation breaks can also help to relieve the pain. Furthermore, especially in case of pain in the sacrum, you should pay attention to a correct posture.

A good posture is achieved by pulling the sacrum down a little bit and at the same time pulling the vertex up. This small movement avoids a hollow back and relieves the back at the same time. A support belt, which is used especially in the last third of pregnancy, can also provide further relief.

Since many medications must not be taken during pregnancy, local applications play a major role in the therapy. Especially heat applications show positive effects. Either through a hot water bottle or a warm bath.

Care should be taken to ensure that the intensity of the heat is not too high, as this can have circulatory effects. A massage of the groin area can also help to relieve some tension from the mother ligaments. Massage can also be done with a combination of olive and lavender oil.

Finally, the intake of Schüssler salts can be considered as a therapeutic option. However, this should only be done if you have experience with the salts. In case of uncertainties, the gynecologist should always be consulted beforehand.


The diagnosis is made on the basis of the typical symptoms and after a clarification of the cause. However, the doctor must exclude dangerous differential diagnoses and will therefore ask for warning symptoms and probably perform a gynecological examination. If it is not clinically possible to make a reliable distinction between pain in the maternal ligaments and contractions, a CTG can be derived.Since the stretching of the mother ligaments can also lead to a tear, an ultrasound should be performed if there is a justified suspicion. With the ultrasound one can try to visualize the ligament structures, which may not always be possible.