Pain under the Armpit: Causes, Treatment & Help

Due to constant movement of the arms, the armpits are in constant work. However, some people experience pain under the armpit even when stationary. These are usually caused by sudden lumps, but can also be caused by other symptoms. Based on the individual symptom picture, the pain can be treated efficiently by professional diagnosis and therapy.

What is pain under the armpit?

In the majority of cases, one or more swollen and palpable lumps in the armpit indicate an infection; in the best case, the lump formation in the armpit will disappear on its own. The armpits connect the arm, shoulder, chest and back parts of a person. For this reason, they are exposed to constant stress. Anatomically, the armpits represent a hollow space under the shoulder joint. They are formed by various muscle groups, which are used to varying degrees. Many important pathways and structures of the arms and chest run through the cavity, so that occasional pain can occur under the armpit. Because of the muscle groups and pathways involved, the pain cannot be attributed to a single cause. In addition to lymph glands, the causes of pain could be varied, which means that injuries and diseases to these parts of the body should be taken seriously and examined by a doctor.


Pain under armpits possess versatile causes, which can be either harmless or serious in nature. The pain can be caused by the bilateral joint structures, muscles of the shoulder girdle, nerves, lymphatics and nodes, tendons or blood vessels. Likewise, the lymph of the chest, neck and arms is capable of bringing about the pain. Harmless causes are usually injuries or diseases of the musculoskeletal system of the entire shoulder. Due to constant movement and use of the shoulder area, the armpits are in a persistent tense state. In addition to the humerus, pain may result from the clavicle, scapula or shoulder joint. Likewise, it is possible for harmless pain to be caused by strains, pulls, or tears in the muscles of the armpit. In particular, thoracic and upper back muscles and the rotator cuff of the shoulder are often unknowingly overstressed, which can cause the injuries. Similarly, inflammation is capable of causing pain under the armpits. Most inflammations are caused by pathogens that invade the skin or lymph nodes in the armpit area. As a result of the inflammations, painful redness along with swelling occurs. Minor injuries such as shaving increase the risk of inflammation, as the sensitive skin of the underarm area is superficially injured by razor blades, thus facilitating the penetration of viruses, fungi and bacteria. Viral infections can also cause swollen lymph nodes. These infections include, for example, Pfeiffer’s glandular fever or measles. Only in rare cases do the lymph nodes in the armpit area swell without inflammation. The swellings generally cause an unpleasant, painful feeling of pressure. Both harmless and malignant diseases in the drainage area of the axillary lymph nodes can be the cause of this type of swelling. If the pain and especially the swelling of the axillary lymph nodes occur without a previously associated disease, the symptoms may further indicate a cancer. Many types of cancer affect the lymph node system, causing cancer cells to accumulate in the nodes and cause them to swell. In technical jargon, this condition is called lymph node metastasis. Breast cancer or breast carcinoma in particular often affects the axillary lymph nodes. At the same time, Hodgkin’s disease or Hodgkin’s disease is considered a malignant cancer of the lymphatic system. In the initial stage of the cancer, the lymph nodes swell mainly in the neck area, but also in the groin or armpits. In addition to the swelling, patients may also suffer from fever, weight loss, night sweats and fatigue. The term non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, on the other hand, covers all malignant diseases of the lymphatic system that do not belong to Hodgkin’s disease. Pain under the armpit may indicate non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Lymphadenitis
  • Strain
  • Hair root inflammation
  • Muscle strain
  • Knot under the armpit
  • Fibroma
  • Hair follicle inflammation
  • Paget-von-Schroetter syndrome
  • Lymphangioma


Just like causes of pain under the armpit, complications associated with the particular clinical picture turn out differently. Not every patient feels complications in the course of a disease. Often, swollen lymph nodes in the armpit area occur as a side effect of a harmless disease such as inflamed sweat glands. Likewise, mild infections cause the swellings. Although no therapy is necessary in these cases, many patients suffer from pain and sometimes limited mobility. If the disease is treated, systematic side effects may occur due to the administered drugs, which in turn may cause pain. Serious to life-threatening complications are caused by malignant swellings of the armpits, for example, if they result from cancer. In this case, the carcinomas can grow unhindered and spread throughout the body. The metastases are able to affect the lymph nodes along with the entire lymphatic system and often other internal organs. As a result, the organs can no longer function properly, which significantly worsens their ability to function. If the carcinomas are treated, especially in the case of breast cancer, pain under the armpits may occur as a result of the treatment. Surgical procedures in the course of cancer further ensure that patients become more susceptible to infections or experience difficulties in healing the wounds. If radiation therapy is performed, the patients’ organism is additionally stressed, so that they become less resistant to infections.

When should you go to the doctor?

In many patients, the pain and swelling in the armpit area appear suddenly. Depending on the cause, these may go away on their own within a few days or persist. If a harmless infection occurs in the patient, it may cause the swelling. After the infection heals, the lymph nodes should shrink back to their original size, so there is no need to see the doctor in this case. However, if swelling or pain develops without prior disease or stress to the nervous, musculoskeletal, or musculoskeletal system of the shoulder and chest area, a physician should be consulted for clarification of symptoms and causes. Before the doctor makes a diagnosis, sufferers can do a brief self-diagnosis. Lymph nodes can be easily palpated. If they are benign nodes or swellings, they can be easily moved. Nodes that cannot be moved but are painless indicate an infection. Swelling after a vaccination is also possible. However, if displaceable or solid nodes persist for longer than two weeks, a doctor should be consulted without fail, as the nodes should usually subside within this period. The doctor is able to clarify the exact cause of the swellings and rule out other diseases. If the nodes swell, however, a doctor does not necessarily have to be consulted. If patients wish to obtain an exact diagnosis, they should also first consult their family doctor. An internist can also help with lumps under the armpits that have been enlarged for a long time. The family doctor performs initial examinations such as a blood test, ultrasound, a computer tomography as well as a tissue sampling and refers patients to a specialist if necessary.


Diagnosis of pain under the armpit begins with a detailed medical history. Subsequently, the attending physician performs palpation or a careful palpation examination. Through this he gets a precise knowledge of the affected armpit and the occurrence of the nodes as well as pain. If the physician feels displaceable nodes, which indicate a harmless infection, no further examinations are usually performed. However, if the nodes do not disappear on their own within several days or if changes or enlargements occur, the physician will initiate further examinations. Typical examinations of the armpit and lymph nodes include blood tests, ultrasound examinations and a tissue sample or biopsy.Based on the test results, the doctor is able to make an accurate diagnosis and the causes of the swelling and pain. The diagnosis may take several days to be made during further examination procedures. Based on the diagnosis, it is also possible to exclude or narrow down certain diseases that may be responsible for the pain and nodule formation.

Treatment and therapy

Since several diseases have pain under the armpit as well as swollen lymph nodes as a typical symptom or side effect, treatment of these can only be done after an accurate diagnosis. Depending on the diagnosis, patients may need to undergo drug therapy or surgery. Serious immune system diseases in particular are treated with appropriate medications. In the case of a boil or a malignant tumor or metastases, surgical treatment is performed. Under certain circumstances, chemotherapy or radiotherapy is arranged after the operation of malignant growths. Harmless diseases that cause the nodes to swell, on the other hand, do not require therapy. In these cases, sufficient rest and sleep as well as avoidance of physical exertion and stress are often sufficient, as the body fights the infection on its own. Patients can improve and significantly strengthen their immune system, if necessary, by taking vitamin supplements and eating a healthy diet. Painkillers and fever-reducing medications should also only be taken after consultation with the attending physician. Antibiotics are prescribed only after a bacterial infection. Harmless infections may take up to two months to heal completely. During this period, the nodes may continue to be noticeable and painful or tender.

Outlook and prognosis

If pain occurs under the armpit, especially suddenly, it can be diagnosed quickly because of its palpable location. Especially swollen lymph nodes are always palpable, so that the attending physician can make an initial examination, including an early prognosis, relatively easily. If the nodes are easily displaced and not growing, they disappear within a period of a few days to weeks. Since infections take about two months to completely subside, the harmless swellings may persist during this period. If the infection slowly subsides, the nodes will also go down. However, if the nodules are caused by a serious illness such as a serious infection, cancer or rotator cuff injuries, the chances of recovery depend heavily on a timely diagnosis. The earlier the patient(s) consults a physician and has the symptoms clarified, the higher the chances of recovery. Especially in the case of cancer, which has swollen lymph nodes as a secondary symptom, a doctor should be consulted in good time. He or she can initiate further appropriate therapies in the form of radiation or drug therapies or an operation, which not only significantly increase the chances of healing, but also the chances of survival.


Since pain under the armpit and swollen lymph nodes can occur as a result of other diseases, they basically cannot be prevented. The occurrence of the pain and swelling is equally highly dependent on a person’s own immune system. If a person is highly susceptible to harmless infectious diseases, he or she will feel the pain or develop the said nodes more quickly. People with a strong immune and defense system, on the other hand, are less likely to suffer from lymph node swelling or pain in the armpit area. It is also possible that a physical reaction such as an allergy or intolerance to certain substances or foods is causing the symptoms. If any intolerances or allergies are known, sufferers should avoid contact with the causes or treat the symptoms independently if possible. In particular, lymph node swelling due to allergies and intolerances can be treated quickly using the usually known regimen, so that the pain and swelling subside early. If patients who are susceptible to various infectious diseases due to a weak or weakened immune system would like to strengthen their immune system, they can resort to appropriate preparations. A healthy, varied diet is also recommended.Foods that strengthen the immune system include almonds and spices in the form of cumin, cinnamon and ginger. The consumption of sugar, large amounts of red meat, fast food and unhealthy fats such as refined vegetable oils and lard should be avoided instead. These foods weaken the immune system and are counterproductive in this endeavor.

This is what you can do yourself

Due to the fact that swollen lymph nodes and pain under the armpit can hardly be prevented, sufferers and susceptible individuals can counteract possible diseases that cause the symptoms. In order to reduce the likelihood of infection, one’s immune system should be strengthened. Ultimately, the stronger the body’s immune system, the lower the chances of contracting an infectious disease. Likewise, a strengthened immune system helps to fight already existing infections faster and consequently to get well more quickly. If pain or swollen lymph nodes occur under the armpit, those affected should take it easy on their body to support the self-healing powers. In addition to plenty of sleep and rest, a balanced diet including sufficient fluids is particularly important. A daily fluid intake of at least two liters of water is recommended. If the state of health allows movement, excursions such as short walks in the air clearly help to improve the immune system and accelerate self-healing. Especially in the case of pain, certain home remedies can also provide relief. Ice compresses reduce sore muscles in the armpit area, while warm compresses relieve swelling of the nodes as well as pain. Massaging the affected area at the same time helps increase blood flow to the body region, which reduces swelling as well. To avoid infections or a worsened condition, care should also be taken not to further irritate the areas by sweating and high temperatures. Short showers with gentle cleansers will keep the armpit clean, so infections are less likely to occur. Shaving the underarm area should not be done during swelling or pain, as this can cause further irritation. Also, wearing loose-fitting clothing prevents chafing.