Pain | Vaginal cramp


Pain is usually the main symptom of vaginal cramps. The sensation of pain is always subjective and therefore differs among the women affected. Some women experience pain during sexual intercourse, while others experience pain as soon as they insert a tampon or finger.

Even the imminent penetration can cause pain for those affected, making penetration completely impossible. The pain may be sharp or burning and may be of varying intensity. The gynecological examination is also often made very difficult by the pain. When the pain occurs varies from patient to patient. For some women any form of penetration is painful, for others only sexual intercourse or examination by the gynaecologist.

Associated symptoms

Vaginal cramps can be accompanied by various symptoms. Often, the attempt to penetrate the vagina is already associated with great pain. However, if penetration does occur, it is usually painful.

This is not only vaginal intercourse, but also the insertion of a tampon, gynecological examination or the insertion of a finger or other object. Other symptoms may include anxiety and panic during an impending or completed penetration. These can also manifest themselves in physical symptoms, such as palpitations, sweating or emotional symptoms, such as crying. In women who have previously experienced a trauma such as rape, penetration can cause a kind of flashback that puts the person back into the situation of the trauma.This is perceived as incredibly tormenting.

Vaginal cramps during pregnancy

Vaginal cramps can also occur during pregnancy. Especially a severe form of vaginal cramps can be problematic at birth. Experience with vaginal cramps during and before birth is not yet as great as it is with other gynecological diseases.

Based on some studies, women with vaginal cramps give birth more often in a Caesarean section than women without vaginal cramps. Furthermore, vaginal cramps are a hurdle for many women to become pregnant in the first place. Many women go through fertility treatments until they become pregnant.

During pregnancy, vaginal cramps can also lead to increased maternal stress and anxiety before the birth. It is therefore advisable to consult specialized therapists who have experience in treating pregnant women with vaginal cramps. Especially relaxation techniques or specialized therapies, pelvic floor training and biofeedback therapies, can be an effective preparation for the birth.