Pain when pressure is applied to the lipoma | Pain with a lipoma

Pain when pressure is applied to the lipoma

A lipoma can press on adjacent nerves with increasing size, causing not only pain but also sensory disturbances. These manifest themselves, for example, through tingling or lack of sensitivity. At this point at the latest, removal is absolutely necessary, as the nerve is in danger of suffering permanent damage.

In individual cases, lipomas can also grow up to 20 cm in size and put pressure on other organs and vessels. These can be impaired in their function in an emergency. The pain occurs when the nerve is permanently innervated, i.e. irritated.

The pressure permanently sends pain stimuli to the brain and pain is felt. By the way, it is not advisable to “express” a lipoma like a blackhead. This would not only cause severe pain, lipomas also originate from deep-lying subcutaneous fatty tissue.

There is a risk of not “catching” all degenerated fat cells. As a result, the lipoma will form again. Therefore, the removal should be performed surgically under medical supervision.