Pain when wearing braces | Braces for adults

Pain when wearing braces

To move the teeth in the jawbone, the braces must exert a certain force on the teeth. Nowadays, there are braces available which, thanks to the wire materials, require relatively little force. Nevertheless, the forces are around 0.2 to 0.3 Newton.

This corresponds to about 20-30 grams, which exert pressure on all teeth. The pain is most severe at the beginning of the treatment, or after each re-tensioning of the wires. The following helps against the pain: in the first days it is recommended to eat soft food.

This includes for example soup, porridge or applesauce. Many also take baby food.Cold drinks and food that slightly numb the oral mucosa help against the inflammation. However, they should not be so cold that they hurt the tooth.

Hard and sour food should be avoided. On the one hand, the acid irritates the sensitive gums additionally, and on the other hand chewing nuts or similar foods hurts even more. In the worst case, painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol can also help against strong acute pain.

However, you should not take these drugs for longer than three consecutive days. In the long term, you should use a softer toothbrush and toothpaste for sensitive gums to prevent further pain. In addition, orthodontic wax helps to stick to the brackets to prevent injuries to the oral mucosa.

Duration of treatment with fixed braces

In theory, treatment with a fixed brace lasts a lifetime. A distinction is made between the treatment phase and the retention phase. In the last phase the teeth are kept in position, either by a retainer behind the teeth, or by loose braces for during the night.

The duration of the treatment phase varies from patient to patient. In some cases, the early orthodontic treatment starts with the milk teeth. It may be necessary to have an additional operation, which further extends the duration. The time in which the fixed braces are worn is on average 2-4 years. Of course there are cases in which only one year is needed, in more difficult cases the braces have to be worn for 5 years.