Pain with a birthmark


The term “birthmark” is used in colloquial language for benign malformations of the skin and mucous membrane, which can have a different appearance. It is thus a collective term for malformations of different composition, of which one usually means so-called pigment nevi. These are also called “liver spots”.

These are the typically brownish pigmented, more or less flat spots, which every human probably knows. Moles are usually structures that we do not notice either positively or negatively in our everyday life. You do not feel them and they usually remain quite unchanged. If moles change and start to hurt, this can have different causes.

Cancer as a cause of pain

Moles that cause pain can be in a degenerative process in the context of cancer. But they can also be in a stage where the whole thing would still be seen as a precancerous stage. In most cases such moles also show other characteristic changes: These are indications of a cancerous disease or a change that is worthy of observation, but they are not evidence of an existing disease.

Likewise, not every painful birthmark also shows the symptoms just mentioned. It is recommended, especially for people who have many birthmarks, to have them examined by a dermatologist at least every 5 years. He can determine whether it is a serious change and thus act early by removing the birthmark.

Since 2008, a large-scale examination for the prevention of skin cancer has also been carried out, which is called skin cancer screening. It is covered by the public health insurance companies for patients older than 35 years and can be performed every 2 years.

  • They change their shape, become larger or even shapeless.

    Their edges are then no longer sharply defined, the birthmark literally melts away from its shape.

  • The color can also change and fade or become uneven.
  • Furthermore, it can grow and it changes over time.
  • If the birthmark bleeds additionally, this can also be alarming.

If you have concerns about a birthmark because it hurts and, for example, also has other of the above-mentioned characteristics, it is advisable not to wait long and to consult a dermatologist. Because one is safe: It is important that potentially malignant skin diseases are recognized and treated as early as possible, in order to have so a chance on a recovery. One can observe the own birthmarks also at home monthly, in order not to overlook if necessary a change.

It is best to examine the moles according to the ABCDE rule: You can find more about this topic under “Skin cancer“.

  • Asymmetry
  • Limitation
  • Color (Color)
  • Diameter
  • Development

Moles that are inflamed can cause pain. Typically, they are conspicuous by the signs of inflammation.

These include, among others: There are various causes of inflammation at birthmarks: First of all, fine cracks in the skin and injuries can lead to inflammation. For example, too much scratching can cause germs to penetrate into the own or surrounding tissue of the birthmark and thus lead to bacterial inflammation. This usually heals quickly and easily.

If you want to ease the pain a little, you can cool the mole slightly and apply a wound healing ointment (e.g. Bepanthen). Further therapy is not necessary here. Only larger wounds require medical treatment.

Another reason for birthmark pain is an inflammation of the hair follicle, also called folliculitis. Since hairs grow out of some birthmarks, or hairs can simply be found in the immediate vicinity of birthmarks, painful folliculitis can occur there. In most cases a special germ, Staphylococcus aureus, penetrates the tissue and causes the inflammation.

This is a germ of the skin. Such folliculitis often develops in very hairy areas of the body, such as the scalp and the male breast. However, they can also occur sporadically on other parts of the body.

The inflammation hurts both at rest and when pressure is applied to the affected area. If it spreads further and spreads to the surrounding tissue, so-called carbuncles and boils develop.These are abscesses that may require antibiotic therapy. Normally, however, such folliculitis at moles heal by themselves without complex therapy.

It is recommended to clean the affected area with an antiseptic such as chlorhexidine. The antiseptic is applied locally and kills germs. Externally, the birthmark can be conspicuous by a yellowish swelling.

  • The swelling (tumor)
  • The redness (Rubor)
  • The overheating (Calor)