Painless swelling of lymph nodes | Swelling of lymph nodes in the lower jaw

Painless swelling of lymph nodes

Lymph node swellings that are not painful can be suspicious or even suspect of malignancy, depending on their location, composition and growth rate. Absence of pain is considered a potential sign of malignancy and may indicate a malignant disease such as lymphoma, metastasis or leukemia. Other diseases such as rheumatic complaints, systemic lupus erythematosus or sarcoidosis can also cause painless lymphadenopathies in the mandible.

Accompanying symptoms that can substantiate the suspicion of such a cause are fever, night sweats and unintentional weight loss. Unspecific fatigue and tiredness are also possible. In addition, symptoms specific to the underlying disease may also occur. An example of this would be joint complaints in a rheumatic disease.

Therapy of swollen lymph nodes

The therapy of a lymph node swelling in the lower jaw depends on the underlying disease. There is no general therapy for lymph node swelling, as this is an expression or kind of symptom in the context of other diseases. Viral swelling in simple respiratory tract infections does not require special therapy.

Only analgesic and antipyretic drugs such as ibuprofen are used to relieve the general symptoms. Sport and physical exertion should be avoided in the case of an infection. Even in the case of an infection with the Eppstein-Barr virus (infectious mononucleosis), treatment is only symptomatic.

Care is taken to ensure a sufficient fluid intake and physical rest. In addition, antipyretic medication is used. Cancer, on the other hand, which can also lead to swelling of the lymph nodes, requires a completely different therapy.

This depends on the type of cancer. In addition to chemotherapy, stem cell transplants and tumor radiation are also considered. Bacterial infections or localized skin infections can be treated with antibiotics or antibiotic ointments, for example.

The spectrum of therapeutic options is very wide and depends on the individual cause of the lymph node swelling. However, since most lymphadenopathies are of viral origin, specialized therapy is not necessary. Especially in the case of lymph node swelling that persists for more than four weeks, or in the case of severe symptoms, a doctor should be consulted at an early stage to rule out a serious underlying disease.

However, if it is a simple swelling of lymph nodes due to an infection, some home remedies can also help to alleviate the symptoms. Home remedies and methods that can help with lymph node swelling

  • A massage of the lymph nodes can help to improve lymph drainage. To do this, you should gently massage the swollen lymph nodes with one hand or 2 fingers using circular movements. This can be repeated as often as desired.
  • A warm compress can help relieve the discomfort and calm the swelling.