Pancreatic Cancer: Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) represents a building block in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer (pancreatic cancer).

Family history

  • Does your family have a history of cancer that is common?

Social history

  • Is there any evidence of psychosocial stress or strain due to your family situation?

Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints).

  • Do you suffer from diarrhea, nausea, vomiting?
  • Has the stool changed in shape, color and consistency?
  • Have you lost any body weight? If so, how much in what time?
  • Do you suffer from abdominal pain? Where exactly are they localized?
  • Do you have increased flatulence?
  • Have you noticed a yellowing of the skin?
  • Has there been any change in urination? In quantity, consistency, admixtures? Does it come to pain in the process?
  • Do you have a fever?
  • Have you noticed a yellowish discoloration of the skin?
  • Do you have any abnormalities in urination?
  • Do you have any gynecological abnormalities (e.g., dysmenorrhea/regular pain; missed period)?
  • Do you have nocturnal pain that wakes you up?
  • Have you had an infectious disease recently?

Vegetative anamnesis including nutritional anamnesis.

  • Are you overweight? Please tell us your body weight (in kg) and height (in cm).
  • Has your appetite changed?
  • Do you smoke? If so, how many cigarettes, cigars, or pipes per day?
  • Do you drink alcohol? If yes, what drink(s) and how many glasses per day?
  • Do you use drugs? If yes, what drugs and how often per day or per week?

Self history incl. medication history.

  • Pre-existing conditions (gastrointestinal diseases, infectious diseases, tumor diseases).
  • Operations (abdominal surgery, tumor surgery).
  • Allergies
  • Environmental history (nitrosamines)
  • Drug history